During Charro Days weekend, Jessica Tetreau who is the current commissioner of Precinct No.2 was bashed publicly and humiliated by the self proclaimed future mayor. Several reliable witnesses came forward and testified to what had happened. According to reports Jessica was offered a float to participate in the parade by a group of colleagues and Erasmo who claims to be a friend asked Jessica to see if he could also get on there, Jessica answered politely that it wasn’t hers and that that there wasn’t any room available to which Erasmo responded, “YOU FUCKING BITCH, JUST WAIT TILL I GET YOU BACK!!!” Erasmo later posted on his page the following image which he states “they are friends” but we know this is not true for which Erasmo bashed her publicly before.
Erasmo calls Jessica Tetreau a Bitch in front of dozens of people at Charro Days parade.

Filed UnderErasmo Castro
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