We’re back !!!!


Further proof that the pack of rats are trying to take us down, Erasmo himself personally has sent messages to his followers in a pathetic attempt to do a mass report of our main page “Do not Elect Erasmo Castro for Brownsville Mayor” we have appealed of course and are just waiting a response on Facebook as Erasmo Castro is a public official as he is running for Mayor. Good try though, you thought all this bad publicity was just going to go away?  You call yourself the citizen’s watchdog? We are the citizen’s watchdog watchdog.





About the author

Frank Mar

Hello, my name is Frank Mar and I like to write about anything and everything. Some of the stuff I write makes sense and other times it doesn't, but that's the beauty of blog writing, you don't have to always makes sense. I am professional IT system applications analyst working at home and also design uniforms for a living. Husband and father of two great kids. Contact me for anything via social media.

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