Cheez has mentioned “no to compadrismo” but today we caught him eating at Camperos Restaraunt seen along Erin Hernandez-Garcia and other influential people. Just today he replied to someone saying “… transparent, accessible..informative … I SWEAR” but as we passed close to him, we could clearly him saying “Guys we have a choice to make, vote for me and you help me become mayor, I’ll help you gain public positions” As we listened this to a brief second, this made us sick to our stomach. This guy is full of lies, and it’s sad that people still believe him. Why didn’t he mentioned publicly as he always does, where he was going to be and who he was going to be meeting?
Swears on his life on no compradismo, gets caught discussing compradismo.

Filed UnderErasmo Castro
At least the Camperos’ chairs are very resistant… LOL