Being a veteran of the armed forces and serving tours in Desert Storm and Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan), I find it very offensive someone who is running for Mayor and running around saying these things such as “now they can get killed in an unwinable war” What does the cheezman know about fighting for your country, defending freedom and democracy? When all he does is sit behind a computer desk on facebook. When I was putting my life on the line, I did so that our country can be what it is, and for all people; latino, black, asian, white, straight or gay. Is he making fun of homosexuals? Isn’t this a man who has declared openly in the past that he has been in a relationship with another man? Should men that are gay not have the right to fight in arms and take pride for their country? Well one man doesn’t seem to think so, and this is a man who wants to run for office and lead our city.
Is gay himself, but hates gays. Does he hate himself? Does not support our troops.

Filed UnderErasmo Castro
He misspelled Afghanistan as well.