Not everyone decides to run for public office but when they do, many factors ultimately play out in doing so, but most importantly the main factor is getting funded. So where does Cheeze man get his monies? All those signs being posted, t-shirts, car bumper stickers, website, eating out six times a day, running a website, all of that costs money. Where does it come from? Cheez has mentioned he has ran a Facebook page for 5 years, so we obviously won’t count that as a job. He has mentioned that he has worked for the American Cancer Society ( as a Cancer Information Specialist, whether this is true or not, we will have to find out. What is a cancer information specialist? we looked it up on the actual website on the site and it says that a cancer specialist answers questions about cancer, link callers with resources in their communities, and provide information on local events. How much someone makes being a cancer specialist? Well average salary is about $31,000 a year, which is not bad if you are single, have no children. The cheez never really goes into detail pertaining to his job or career and being the type of liar he is, we could very well doubt that he even works, but let’s just give him the benefit of the doubt. He mentioned he only had $300 personally on him for the campaign because of financial hardships and this would be a grassroots campaign but running an actual campaign, grassroots or not will run into the thousands of dollars. So ultimately, where does the money come from? In the blog of Brownsville Voice, the author mentions finance reports concerning each candidate. It states on the report that the math is entirely incorrect. You can take a look at the report here. >-HERE-< and when looking at the report closely it says “Total Political Contributions” in the amount of $1990 and we added the figures we actually came up with a total of $1850, so off by $140. In the total political expenditures it shows an amount of $3830.22 however when summing up the total amount of expenditures we get an amount of $3573.98 which is a difference of $256.24. So something just doesn’t to add up right (literally) and the paperwork looks shady with many discrepancies. So we come back to the real question, exactly where is the money coming from? There’s always financial muscle behind every candidate and it turns out it is none other than his dearest step mom, Alicia Castro. Mrs. Castro is the main person in charge of the notary business that cheez claims often as “my family’s business” and she does seem to have a lot of financial pull for the most part being tax season. Why doesn’t cheez mention his real biological mom? He claims he is transparent, so why can’t we know anything about the family history? Was he disowned? Only he can say, but is afraid to do so. Being the only boy amongst a big family, he has been given preferred treatment all of his life.
Step mommy funding her kid’s science project.

Filed UnderErasmo Castro
Do you guys have a recording of the mayoral forum?