Cheez makes fun of mayor Tony Martinez for not making many public appearances in the last 4 years until now that the campaign for re-election has started. We don’t personally need to see someone publicly all the time, as long as the job is done and that is the most important thing. How has the cheez been any different? He hasn’t even been living in Brownsville for over 5 years and all of sudden shows up this year to run for mayor. How the city avoided checking his residential eligibility is beyond us as he put down an address of the notary business and claims that’s where he has been living all this time, knowing full well he hasn’t. He should be in jail for committing election fraud. Running a Facebook page doesn’t mean anything especially it it’s just about bad parking, lost pets, and reporting people from La Pulga Online.
Makes fun of current mayor whereabouts.

Filed UnderErasmo Castro
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