Cheez has made so many enemies, not just a few dozen, not just a few hundred, but a thousand or more. Even his own family is considered his enemy. Erasmo is going crazy, and cannot sleep at night. Well Mr. Cheez man if you were a man of morals, we would more than likely be rooting for you, but you crossed the line of which one does not cross and thus here you are pointing fingers at everyone. You have no one to blame but yourself. We are not for any particular candidate, actually you could say we endorse Brenda Joyas, Pat Ahumada, William Garza, Tony Martinez, Robert Sanchez, anyone but you. We are going to make things clear in plain English, this page isn’t about any candidates except one person, and that is ERASMO CASTRO.
So many enemies, doesn’t know who to blame anymore.

Filed UnderErasmo Castro
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