As we stated before, cheezmeh has so many enemies he doesn’t know who to blame anymore. Some signs were uprooted and thrown on the floor. If we had money to make a bet, we are sure even his own followers are behind it.
Trying to blame us or other candidates for his defaced signs.

Filed UnderErasmo Castro
I think that the Antelope would be a better candidate than Erasmo, at least he didn’t even walk, he RAN thru the streets of Brownsville seeking your support while this excellent version of Homer Simpson can’t even stand up and walk to the cash register to pick up his own foodin McDonalds hahaha!
I wonder how would he pass thru the Mayor’s office, well that would only happen in a hypothetical multiverse in which he would only be SELECTED where all the other candidates would be a bizarre form of themselves making of Castro his own opposite: a responsible goodlooking athlete with a lot of political and business experience hahaha poor clown!!, having said this about the multiverse I bet that Castro would have to challenge the laws of physics to even get to work, he is so fat that he could barely fit in that XXXXXXXXXXXXL suit, just look at his face he was all nervous like saying “mommy for 1st time I’m on TV!” I read the article about his science project, it doesn’t take to be a genius to understand that this guy is a joke.
Lo hace el mismo para dar lástima. This guy is pathetic with his 25,000 followers and 20 likes on each post. The posts on this page get more likes than his campaigning ones.