These are the type of posts that are allowed to be posted by Erasmo Castro. It is very irresponsible of him to allow these one-sided posts on his community page. The people being thrown under the bus can’t defend themselves and if they do, they get attacked by the followers and the slob himself. Now Stell Middle School and its administrators look bad because of the opinion of one person. We have seen this happen many times. It has to stop now.

Filed UnderErasmo Castro
He was called a citizens journalist so yes he has to investigate.
Every story has a side, in this case, only one has been presented. It’s the one that has been handed to him therefore he’s posted it.
Does that mean he has to do investigative reporting to see if it’s true or not? No sir! He’s a blogger not a reporter.
Whatever is sent to him is put out so that we the public can become aware of what is going on in the schools.
If this is what it takes to make things right in schools, with administrators and students, then be it. Don’t you get tired of the bullying in schools? The lack of discipline from authority figures?
It’s been posted, and if it’s not true then the parties involved can answer the necessary questions.
You say that it’s the opinion of one individual but if you happen to read the comments, several parents are speaking up in support of the o.p.