Some woman who has been arrested numerous times for DWI has come into our page to try to troll us. She makes fun of the picture that we posted of our followers (Gloria, Frank, Shawn) on Facebook and she started making fun of their appearance. We responded by posting a funny picture of her with a slight mustache also and she cried reported our picture to facebook. It looks like she can dish the punches but can’t take them. It also seems she gets a lot of lies from her leader Cheezmeh, caught in lies.

She didn’t mention that her job is part time and involves picking someone’s trash and that her husband doesn’t really make $1000 a week but if not $100 a day ($500 a week). She’s been drinking the koolaid too much.
Update. Apparently her man who she was showboating left her.
Pat Hansen who’s real name is Patricia Treviño formerly known aliasing as “El Pinche Raptor” has been featured in the blog of Juan Montoya (El Rrun Rrun). Next time you report our picture, think twice because when you play with fire, you’ll get burned.
You can see what he wrote about this bitch here.
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