It’s a sad story really, something quiet common that happens in Brownsville but seems to happen pretty much everywhere else in the world also. Money makes the world go round and with that being said, they are women out there will go to great lengths to chase it even if it requires for them to degrade themselves into nothing. Travers Beynon aka the Candyman is a tobacco tycoon who lives in Australia and apparently has a butt load of money. Based off his instagram pictures, he seems to have a lavish lifestyle barring no expense to go all out. Reading some information about him his wife seems not to mind an open relationship allowing him to have any woman he wants and sometimes even joining in to have some sex filled orgies. While we don’t really care what each person does in their own bedroom or how each person lives their own life, showing off your wife and your girlfriend in a leash and making them get on their fours to act like dogs is really degrading, what does he want to prove? For you men out there, if you had billion dollars, would you do this?
Why do women allow themselves to get humiliated by men with money?

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