Dreams are one of the most amazing things the mind is capable of. You can be anything you want to be. You want to be a millionare, you got it, you want to be a handsome stud, you got it, you want to be a hot babe, you got it. What about flying? Have you ever had a dream of flight? What a great feeling that is. The bad part of dreaming though, is many of times we have no control of what we dream about, although they are a few people that claim are aware of their dream and are able to manipulate their dreams, this is called lucid dreaming. They often say, if the mind dies then the body does also, which is kind of scary if you think about it. Has anyone ever died in their dream and actually die in real life? Well, it would be hard to say because it’s really hard to talk to a dead person and ask them questions about what happened, however researching around the internet shows that it’s impossible to die in your dream. They say that when you accept dying in your dream you’re able to accept death in real life. Think about the last time you died in your dream, did you feel scared? or did you feel calm? knowing at that particular point that you were going to get killed you couldn’t do anything so what do you do? You just close your eyes and relax and then as you die you wake up and think wow, I actually died. Perhaps this may help people going through terminal illness or maybe being in a serious accident knowing there isn’t any hope for you, but when you accept death, you feel relaxed and it will help in the passing. I’ll be honest though, I am scared in dying, to find out what it’s like to give your last breathe. Is there an afterlife? or as we know, all our memories gone in an instant as our consciousness cease to exist. What if when we die, we wake up somewhere else? I suppose, we’ll find out sooner or later.
Can you die in your dream?

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