I personally don’t know why there is so many online flea market pages. You have La Pulga Online, La Pulga Online Brownsville, La Pulga Online de Brownsville ..etc… and shit load of similar pages with the same name. It’s like everyone I know, wants to start their own pulga online. Last night I went to watch the Houston Astros at Minute Maid Park and since I’m still a bit tired from walking all weekend, I went to bed early around 11pm or so. I was scrolling on my facebook wall when there was a post on one of pulga online pages, and as I scroll through the comments, I see that someone commented a picture of what appears to be a baby getting raped. Normally I take screenshots when someone puts something stupid but this picture was really fucked up. In addition I normally don’t report pictures of what people post, but I had to definitely make a report to facebook about this. I hope the Brownsville Police Department does something about this and investigate and I am sure they will find a lot of other pictures. I want to tell the administrator(s) of all these pulga pages that while it is impossible to stop all the useless posts that people put on there that are not involving selling or buying, a more proactive approach needs to be taken so that these things do not happen again. I really don’t mind all the meme posts and things of that nature, they are entertaining sometimes when I have nothing to do, but one thing that is uncalled for is child porn. I have a 4 year old son, granted he doesn’t grab my phone but what if I am with him and while scrolling through facebook, this shit comes out? And he asks me “papa, porque ese señor esta con la pipi alli con el bebe?” Like I wouldn’t even know what to say, I mean just thinking about that, makes me sick to my stomach. The post has been removed since then, but plenty of people saw it and I am sure they feel repulsed the same way I do. So please administrators, pay more attention to your pages and permanently ban these people putting pictures of child porn and really anything that involves pornography because they are kids out there that may look at this. For us parents, we are the ones ultimately responsible for what our children see on television or on the internet so also be careful in what they are looking at.
Child porn en La Pulga Online.

Filed UnderInteresting and Weird stuff
Stop posting this shit. Sick asses
Yeah i saw that shit last night. Thats so fucking stupid, people posting the actual pic of him doing the act on the poor baby… to CATCH the pedophile/rapist. Thats just fucking sick. The admin neeeds to get involved in his page and block these people