What does bullying actually mean? by definition it says
-use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants.
You can find bullying just about everywhere. If you are in band, they call you a band geek. If you are in Tae Kwon Do, they call you Karate Kid, if your parents buy your clothes at walmart, they call you “poor” and the list goes on. Bullying has been around since the beginning of time. Taunting, making fun of, physical appearance, harassment are not the only things that happen at school, bullying exists inside homes also. There might be a parent with alcoholic problems or anger management issues and sometimes children or spouses are on the receiving end of things. Kids usually who appear to be weaker emotionally are more prone to be bullied. So what can we do to stop bullying or put a dent in it? Well its really hard to say, but from first hand experience as a parent, I think the most important aspect is how you bring up your child. Children need to learn how to play with others, when they don’t want to share there toys, you as a parent need to intervene and teach that sharing is caring. We need to teach children that everyone is different and that not everyone wants to be friendly and play. We need to try to make relationships work with our significant others, for the sake of the children (I know many may differ, but I rather see my child happy to know both parents are around), we need to tell our children that when someone does bully them, that it is not okay and for them to tell you. If your child tells you that they are getting picked on at at school, more than likely this is true and we need to pay attention to his. Talk to the teacher on what your son/daughter told you, if it seems like they are not taking you seriously, talk to the principal, if the principal doesn’t listen to you, then time to take your child out of that school and somewhere else. If you think your child is a bully, then as parents we need to teach them that bullying is wrong, I know we don’t want our children on the receiving end of things but we shouldn’t encourage that making fun of others is not a good thing.
I found some websites that I would like to share if anyone wants to read more information.
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