
Are aliens real?


Ever since the dawn of man there have been claims of intelligent life outside our planet.  When I was a little kid, there was show back in the late 80s and early 90’s  called Unsolved Mysteries.  This show  came on late at night and it always scared the shit out of me with the background music and with the host Robert Stack always wearing a trench coat in some mysterious place and of course every time he talked, he had a way with his voice that would down right just give you the chills.  There was an episode on aliens that I swear to God I couldn’t sleep at night since I was all paranoid that aliens would abduct me out of my bedroom. Every time I heard a noise outside I would slowly peak through the blanket and see if there was anything in the window and tremble on the thought that there could be aliens outside to abduct me.  As I grew up into the mid 90’s the show X-Files just expanded my fascination on extraterrestrials.  Who can forget Agent Mulder and Agent Scully cracking down conspiracies and trying to find out the truth and of course that iconic poster in Agent Mulder’s office “I want to believe.”  So the question arises, are aliens real or not?


Every object is a galaxy which houses 100 billion stars each.

Every object is a galaxy which houses 100 billion stars each.

The universe is a big ass place, just to comprehend how big it is, go outside on a clear night and sit outside and try to count all the stars out there, you’ll easily give up after realizing there is a shit load of them.  Now each star out there is like just our Sun, which may contain planets.  The stars we see today may no longer be around since what we see as light coming from stars are in reality thousand of light years away and it has taken that much time to barely be visible, so if a star explodes or gets swallowed by a blackhole we won’t really know about it until tens of thousands of years from now.  So our sun has 9 planets, 8 if you want to be technical and count Pluto out, but imagine that each star out there similar to our Sun has planets and there is approximately 100 billion stars in our Milky Way Galaxy, and if at least one earth like planet exists orbiting those stars that’s 100 billion times likely that there could be life out there.  Now the Milky Way Galaxy just happens to be one galaxy in the universe and Astronomers estimate that there is approximately 100 billion galaxies out there in the known universe (estimate, meaning there could be more) so multiply 100 billion stars * 100 billion galaxies and you’ll get 1e+22 (this is what the calculator gave me, not sure what this number really is) or  10,000,000,000,000 planets.  So out of that big ass number, do you think there couldn’t be intelligent life?   I happen to think that there has been intelligent life out there but have came and went just like us humans will probably go extinct due to man made warfare or some big natural disaster killing everything as we know it.

If aliens ever do find us, history has showed us that the lesser lifeforms are usually discarded, just think of all the animals we have wiped out because they are inferior to us, well more than likely aliens are going to kick our ass.  Maybe one day, we may be the aliens visiting other planets.

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