
Prières pour Paris (Prayers for Paris)

Imagine you get married and decide to have a honeymoon in Paris.   The Eiffel Tower,  The Arc of Triumph, The Louvre,  Palace of Versailles…etc…  some great places to visit.  As your walking around the city you hear shots fired, you run for cover….. shortly afterwards you hear loud explosions and people screaming running the opposite direction from you.  This is what many people went through yesterday as terrorists coordinated terror in several points of city to massacre innocent civilians.


At a theatre called The Bataclan,  4 men armed with AK-47’s stormed in while a heavy metal band was playing and started shooting into the crowd.  As SWAT police gathered and surrounded the theatre, the terrorists rounded innocent civilians like cattle and started killing them one by one, execution style.  Close to 100 people where killed at the Bataclan, and the number of lives taken could of been more but the french police intervened and killed the assailants.



Where does Muslim extremism come from? Why so much hate in Islam ? I consider myself not an atheist but more of a person who is agnostic, I believe in God but do not think everything that the Bible says is true but I don’t force my beliefs down people’s throat.  There have been plenty of books and articles published on this matter and the reasons go back to ancient history but I think it all comes down to the separation of church and state.  In the early American revolution, this is what our forefathers fought for, although it was mostly for Christian denominations like Lutherans, Catholics, Quakers..etc… but it paved way for the future so that people could believe in anything they wanted without the fear of reprisal.  Even up to to the late 1600’s during the colonization of the United States you had people being tortured like in the Salem witch trials.  In Islam, there is only one God, one power that is universal, and some Muslims feel that anyone who doesn’t worship Allah is an enemy to their religion and take it upon themselves to fulfill God’s duty and some interpret that by killing the people who are not with them.


Cities around the world showing support.

Last night as Paris turned off the lights at the Eiffel tower, major cities across the world showed their support for France.  I made an illustration of the downtown post office in Brownsville included to let everyone know that even though we are a small city, we care in what is affecting the world.  All lives matter around the world, innocent lives in Mexico due to all cartel violence, kids in Africa who need 30 cents a day to survive or die because of being malnourished, the people in Palestine, and the list goes on. In this modern day,  all the countries in the world should unite and leave their religious beliefs behind and help one another, the world will be a better place.

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