
The aftermath of Black Friday 2015

We had our Thanksgiving early this year, not sure why my mom decided to put out the turkey around 2:30pm….  it was more of a Thanksgiving lunch, but either way it was good.  Took a nap of course after eating so much.  In the evening my wife and I wanted to have a few drinks but everything was closed.  My wife tells me “Let’s go to Walmart” and knowing all the crazy stuff that goes down, “No way, not going there” I tell her.  After discussing what we were going to do for the evening, we decided that, finding a watering hole it was.  We found a bar open that’s close by, called La Relovucion Sport’s bar and ended up shooting some pool and having some beer.  After about 2 hours, we called it at night and came home and went to sleep.

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So I’m here waking up, trying to find some trending stories about Black Friday in the valley, and sure enough a video surfaces of unorganized chaos at a Walmart in Edinburg.  At the beginning of the video, the first few people go in an orderly fashion but it doesn’t take long before the people start pushing against the barricade and the security and then like water bursting through a dam, hell was unleashed.


Black Friday Line in Bestbuy Brownsville

All the major stores in Brownsville had people camping overnight and forewent their Thanksgiving.  Is it worth ditching your family for a chance to grab deals that you’ll only save a few hundred dollars on? I personally don’t think it’s worth it, a chance to spend a few hours with the ones you love is worth more than anything money can buy.   With great deals available days beforehand online and even better deals available from all major retailers on Cybermonday, I think it’s time to end all this craziness.  Also if you spend $200 on something that was $500 dollars, you haven’t saved $300, you spent $200.

Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving, I know I did 🙂


Thanksgiving at #nomorecheezmeh headquarters.

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