
The $6 Nachos

Today I didn’t play basketball, been playing basketball pretty much about the last 7 days in a row that I decided to actually take a rest. My wife messages me on facebook and says if I want some home made nachos, “that sounds pretty good” I tell her. My wife picks me up shortly afterwards and we go to the local tortilleria to buy some tortilla chips for the nachos. I’m waiting inside the car and my wife comes out looking a bit mad and with two bags of tortilla chips. “How come you have two?” I ask her while shaking my head.  “Well the lady, as I paid I told her I wanted the big bag of chips instead of the other one but she had already charged me and tells me she can’t do anything about it because shes new and the other girl is new too and that is it”, my wife tells me her side of the things. I’m thinking here, that is pretty fucked up, things can’t stay this way. So I tell my wife to hand me over the receipt.


Charged $2 for chips we didnt want.

So I go inside the store and tell the lady “Hey, what’s the deal with you charging my wife for chips we don’t want and telling her that there’s nothing you guys can do?”…. the lady looks at me and gives me her version “We already charged her and we can’t do anything, if you want to make a complaint, call the number that is there.” So I’m kind of looking at these two women figuring how the hell I’m going to get my money back, or better yet at least another item of a similar value, maybe one of those mexican tamarindo flavored sodas. “Well if you can’t give me my money back, I’m going to take this soda”, I told the lady and grabbed the soda and opened the door, I really wasn’t going to walk out with the soda but I just wanted to see what their reaction was going to be. “No sir, you can’t take the soda, you’ll need to pay for that” The lady starts yelling at me and actually closed the door so I couldn’t get out.  At this point, I actually start getting pissed and start telling her that she needs to call her up manager or if not, to call the cops because I ain’t going to move without getting my money back or taking an item of the same value with me.  “I can’t call the manager, they are gone, they sleeping” she tells me again, “Wake them the fuck up, because if someone came in and robbed the store or if you didn’t get paid, you would call them up right? So don’t act like you can’t call them up”, I tell her raising my voice while having my poker face, but seriously you can’t call your manager is the lamest excuse I have heard and I wasn’t going to buy that story.  Finally the other cashier starts saying “I’m going to call the police” and of course I say “Call the police because one way or another, we going to get to the bottom of this.” She didn’t actually end up calling the police, maybe was trying to scare me off, after all I wasn’t stealing anything, if anything they were stealing from us.  After realizing that maybe I wasn’t going to leave, she opened up the cashier and handed me the two dollars to which I threw them and said “I shit 2 dollars, you can have them”  and walked away like a boss.  The moral of the story is that, it’s not the two dollars in question, but if not the principle, they could of given me the two dollars for the longest time and we would of gone our separate ways but they wanted to test me, and tested me they did and lost.  After thinking back at what happened, I probably could of just let it slide but once I set my mind to something, it’s hard to turn back once the line is crossed.  More than likely I’ll end up going there tomorrow and offering a personal apology and ask to talk to the manager regarding the incident so that these things do not happen to other customers.  Mean while, I’ll enjoy these home made nachos with a cold beer to calm my nerves.


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