
Dr Seuss Day.

Today is national read day or known  as Dr. Seuss day.   Theodor Seuss Geisel or simply known as “Dr. Seuss” was an american writer and illustrator best known for authoring popular children’s books.  He was born on March 2nd, 1904 and died September 24, 1991 (87 years of age).


The library as I remember it.

I used to enjoy reading these books back in the day when I would go to Arnulfo Oliveira Library on International  (later renamed by UTB), I would spend a lot of time reading different books, goosebumps, lord of the rings, choose your own adventures,  and of course many favorites would be from Dr. Seuss.   I remember a lot of things as if they were yesterday, basically entering the library and going down the middle isle to the children’s section on the left side.


The Grinch

Out of all the characters that Dr. Seuss created, I remember that there were several; colorful fishes, a dog, thing 1 and thing 2,  an elephant ..etc.. the most memorable must the be grinch.  Of course the grinch even went to have his own movie which starred Jim Carrey and stole Christmas.  To honor Dr. Seuss and his legacy, I shall read my son one his books tonight.

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