With the recent arrest of Dr. Sylvia Atkinson for alleged bribery and conspiracy by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and pending court case, we need to know if any other big names are going to fall. On December 11th 2019, during her (Atkinson) bond hearing, Magistrate Ronald Morgan prohibted Sylvia Atkinson from having contact with co-conspirators and co-defendants and victims, so who exactly are they?

It has already been mentioned in several news outlets that the person mentioned as the “cooperating individual” is that of Rodrigo Moreno and the “purported film company” to that of Pink Ape Media, which Mr. Moreno owns. Rodrigo Moreno is a native from Matamoros Mexico and previously worked for El Bravo Newspaper as a layout editor. During the next few years Mr. Moreno started Pink Ape Media, an advertising consulting firm along with film media production.

In 2017, the film titled “The Whole” by Rodrigo Moreno was released and received several awards and nominations. Interestingly if you notice towards the exetuive producers of the film, several known names in are listed including that of Sylvia Atkison and the current mayor of Brownsville, Trey Mendez. I was able to learn that Rodrigo Moreno was previously the campaign adviser of Sylvia Atkinson in 2016 when she ran for BISD Trustee so from the looks of things, it looks like they knew each other.

According to owler.com the estimated annual revenue of Pink Ape Media is that of $25 million dollars, I don’t know if this figure is accurately correct since 1 million dollars is quiet a bit of money, let alone 25 million dollars. I think a most conservative estimate would be from manta.com that reports the annual revenue of Pink Ape Media to about $500,000+ annually.

Just in 2019 alone, over $200,000 came from political candidates running for office, a good part from those who ran in the City Commission such as John Cowen ($62,000), Nurith Galonsky ($42,000), and Trey Mendez ($35,000), it was a definitely a good year to be Rodrigo Moreno.

Just a day after Sylvia Atkinson’s bond hearing and court documents released and everyone tying the “film company” to that of Pink Ape Media, Rodrigo Moreno posted this screenshot of losing “600 friends in a day”. People don’t lose that many friends in one day unless you did something wrong, such as be a “snitch”. Why did Rodrigo Moreno snitch on his friend? Was it because he himself was being investigated by the FBI and needed a scapegoat? Who are the other co-conspirators of the case?

Now that Castro has officially resigned from BISD, he’s been posting cryptic pictures of Prisci Tipton and Minerva Peña implying that they are the co-conspirators of the case and has mentioned repeatedly on several occasions “more will fall”.
With Rodrigo Moreno being labeled as the snitch and working so many political campaigns, and the indictment stating “At times, Defendant would cause funds to be distributed to finance the election campaigns of other local political candidates who, through their resulting loyalty to defendant, would enhance Defendant’s power in local politics, extend her influence on the BISD Board of Trustees, and enhance her ability to extract bribes in exchange of contracts.” It could be likely that whoever Rodrigo Moreno has been involved with could be a co-conspirator

In every gangster movie, there’s always that one gangster that gets caught by the Feds and becomes the snitch and starts cooperating and brings everyone down. It’s unclear how the feds got to Pink Ape Media and forced Rodrigo to tatter tale, my possible take is money laundering or not reporting all the finances, think about how many campaign’s hes worked for and the amount of money he’s received for XYZ years, something may have not added up right and the feds came knocking and said “Pick a side, quieres ir al bote o haces snitch” and who wants to serve time in the federal penitentiary? Why would you let the FBI burn down the name of your company , unless they had dirt on you? With him being a Mexican national, his residency would be in jeopardy and with Donald Trump as president, rest assured he would be returning pretty quickly back to Mexico.
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