Today when I woke up this morning, I checked my bank account and saw that Facebook finally paid me for running #nomorecheezmeh. I started the page a couple of years ago as a thing for fun without ever thinking that I would make money, I just did it because it was a fun thing to do and even currently I do it because it’s fun.

Running a blog is not easy, people think that running a page is about posting random videos or memes, eventually people get tired of those things and move on. To have a successful blog, you have to find unique ways to engage with your audience and keep them entertained, something I try to do on a daily basis.

One of the bloggers that I look up to is Juan Montoya, the writer for the Brownsville blog titled “El Rrun Rrun”. Juan has been a writer for the Associated Press, The Brownsville Herald and now currently writes on his blog full time and gets paid for it. What I like about Juan Montoya is that he’s not even on facebook, he writes directly on his blog and gets paid by advertisers (political people) to promote or go against someone. I don’t like anyone telling me what I need to post on the blog even though I’ve had countless offers of people telling me they want to pay me for making political posts to which I’ve refused.
I would like to thank all of our official supporters for being the backbone of the page and making it be the page that it is now, without you all it would just be a page like all the other ones out there. To all the top fans of the page, thank you for taking time of your day and commenting on the posts and videos. To all the haters, you all deserve a thank you as well for trying your best and failing at it, especially the Karens and Andrews of social media who call people bullies and play the victim when they keep coming back for more.
After the election is over in November, the blog will be covering more about the Rio Grande Republic and with your help we will make it grow even further than ever before. Thank you all !!
Juan Montoya did not work for The Associated Press.
Congrats! Wish your blog much success! F the haters! lol