Ofelia Moreno was sitting down eating at Mañanitas Cafe when Brisamar aka DJ Jellybean (Takuachi 69) started challenging Ofelia Moreno. We know La Doña is not a lady to back down so easily. Margie Castro, the mom of jellybean was recording and had everything set up. Currently she is in jail for “Assault by threat”.
Update: Ofelia is out of jail.
She’s a Dik & who cares and ur a BULLY so EACH their own …. Frank stalks and Ofelia looks for fame but there’s ALWAYS SOMEONE BIGGER & Badder …. karma will catch up on them if they don’t stop this childish shit!
Tekashi the Abuser and biggest grown Adult here in Raymondville still lives with her Mom and cries to her Mom all the time. Both her and her Mom sit in their House just planning on who their next Victim will be. If anyone can give us the Information on where her Girlfriend lives we want to warn this poor Girl. She will fall Victim to Tekashis lies, abuse and threats and she Cheats we saw proof from a previous EX. If anyone can lead us to this Girl we will lay down top Cash. We want her to get away as stated by the EX of Tekashi that she is a Threat to Raymondville and all Citizens including the poor Girlfriend. The Mom and Tekashi have sexual and physical abuse charges on them. If you can lead me to her please inbox Frank.
One day she’s gonna snitch on the wrong person… and she’s going to end with a bullet between her eyes. Giving the business she’s in… people like that never end in good situations.
Looking forward to the video of the Dyke Cunt Snitch getting her ass kicked when she talks shit to the wrong person.
Hope the Dyke Snitch winds up in a ditch
Hope someone offs the Cunt Dyke
Pura basura la dike and fk na dont keep your mouth shut Ofelia I dont let no skank talk shit to me either y la dike bien snitch y vendiendo drogas lol. Y la otra mensa she needs God in her life stfu tengas a Dios o no todos nos vamos a morir ala ver.
Oh well!! From the looks of what the Brisamar Girl posted. Plus other Videos that Ofelia had been threatening this Girl and her Mom. Maybe next time Ofelia will learn to keep her damn Mouth closed and stop the Threats and she won’t end up in Handcuffs. I’m not sticking up for the other Females either, but two wrongs don’t make a right and Ofelia and Frank have definitely been seen crossing the lines.
Poor Ofelia fell right into their trap. I understand when you’ve had enough, but got to be the mature one. Those dumbasses just want mugshots on you and Frank so they can say… “SEE! SEE!” Jelly Belly ain’t that big badass she paints herself out to be. Haha. And those homemade tatts. She doesn’t have taste either.
Ofelia Moreno has a disgusting mouth on her I believe it. Prayers for her. She NEEDS Jesus
Brisa Is One ugly disgusting Dike Bitch..She looks like a Leprechaun…I told you guy’s she is a Snitch…
It won’t let me watch the video
She’ll get a pr bond
And the tables have turned… karma is one bad B
They better give here the same bond!
Oh no….darn she played into her hands….pero i know poor Ofelia is fed up with these low lifes…. Praying she is out soon… PR bond como la chiskis because of covid.