The conversation that took place between Breezy Takuachi 69 the DrugDealer Horse Lover and myself. She’s homosexual but hates homosexuality, read the conversation that took place today. Someone is triggered 😀
Horse lover admits she hates herself.

Filed UnderDJ Jellybean
Toda pendeja!!! This dyke needs a good ass whooping for talking so much bullshit or maybe I need to use my horse dildo and stick it up her ass and show her a real CHINGONA! Lmao pobresita
When is she getting locked up?
Asking for a friend…
Jesus I just lost so many brain cells reading her texts.
The fact that you mess with men and pretend you’re straight is beyond messed up. Your wife deserves better Mr. FRANK
So Frank, You say you have proof of her Horse thing, then why don’t you show it?? Is it because she’ll show proof of you??? 🤔 Leaves me thinking now…
LMFAO 😂 what a dingaling
I will be glad when the Fat Skank Dyke is found head first in a Dumpster after she fucks with the wrong person….What do you want to Bet lots of people will be pissing and shitting on that Skank Dyke’s grave …..
She’s so ratchet. She needs to go back to school.
Haha. Frank… you must be pretty laid back to deal with her dumbass. Its funny how she calls you a faggot. Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black? Haha. What a pendeja. She might of swung that away cause no decent man would tap that. Haha. Hell, now I’m starting to wonder about her “girlfriend”. Haha. She gotta be nasty! Or desperate.
Where r the screenshots she claims she has or that r all over the internet?
Christian Micheal is such a sweet heart, idk what happened to ugly tire pansa.
You should start your own 101 on how to write proper english.