Last night la chiskiada posted the screenshot of a message she had with one of her many guy friends. In the message the man asks la chiskiada for her pussy and needs to fuck her because he’s horny as hell. We don’t know how much the man solicited for the pussy but the following picture (screenshot from a live) shows la chiskiada at a motel.

La chiskiada obviously knows the man from the text messages because she has his phone number saved. Por lo menos le hubiera despistado un poco pero no tiene vergüenza ??
There’s a whore in that hotel room.
Asi vivio la sanavabiche
I could tell by the look on her face she had just gotten screwed. Then I saw her post. Wow. What a hoe.
Luke Thompson aka Lupe lays for pussy too lol
Remember she has a self proclaimed vice grip. Atleast thats what she told the last stranger she wanted to fuck.
Arby’s at Antlers
The “nurse” “biologist” “scientist” “paralegal”
“Climate change supporter” “Failed Mayor candidate”
“Failed Sheriff Candidate” “Failed Senator Candidate” work all those titles, especially the first one, you’d think she’d be cautious about STD’s…… But they don’t call her VD for nothing….
This chic swears she fights for women’s right then turns around and sells her body for a quick roll on most likely dirty sheets at a cheap motel and a rock! Smh! She is a cheap, nasty, bitch! She isnt the only one that needs to watch out for them STDs… So do the dudes that sleep with her cause they don’t know whom she was with before them! GROSS!!
Nothing surprises me when it comes to that hoe. By putting that out there she is smart she is advertising herself. But acts all innocent I hope her ass gets locked up soon.
Vanessa is a Fullblown Whore that fucks and sucks dicks for money..She’s also a Crack head so this doesn’t surprise me one bit…What does surprise me is how all her ignorant stupid supporters believe her bullshit lies..Theres really is some dumbass people out there and she takes advantage of them..
Why get a job when you can just sell your #StinkyTaco ? 🤷🏻♀️😷