Looks like la chiskiada has been possibly telling people that she’s dying (starving) and she can’t pay her bills. She doesn’t pay rent because the house was gifted to her by her late grandmother. Pinche chiskiada, deja de estar pidiendo limosna y ponte a buscar jale (not jale de crack).

We KNOW you’re not malnourished. Telling ignorant people that you’re starving… 🤦♂️ #NoMames #FOH #PirateChones 🏴☠️☠️
Can’t believe people still believe and feel sorry for this girl! Estan todos chiskiados tambien!
This really burns me. When I was a single mom I was one of those who either made too much money or didn’t have enough kids to receive any type of govt assistance bc of my salary. I still had to pay rent, car and insurance payment, light payment (bc cable was a luxury and we didn’t need it), daycare and barely had money to buy groceries. But my kids didn’t go without…I made sure to clothe, feed and have a roof over our heads. And here is this person who is fully capable of working but yet refuses…it just baffles me. If I had lost my kids and needed money for my legal fees, I would have been working 2 or 3 jobs to get the BEST lawyer out there to help reunite me with my kids. Instead she feeds these lies to her followers knowing that her house was gifted to her from her grandmother and that she’s starving. She knows there are plenty of churches and food banks that are helping our community. The sad truth to all this is, her drugs are more important than finding a job to help her move forward in life and fight for her daughters. I’m all for empowering woman but I won’t stand behind someone who won’t fight for themselves or for her family. I know what it was to struggle…but I loved my family way too much to let it get the best of us. Stop the lies and find a job to fight for your daughters.
Hopefully the rest see the lies that come out of her mouth
😮 hope this lady let’s the other “fans” know shes scamming them
Wow!!! Miraaaaa
She’s not going to learn !
Does it look like she’s STARVING here?
Does it appear at all that she’s STARVING?
Did she really post this meme on her page? Im blocked 🚫 but I was sent this i figured you all would post it lol …Mira! Bien malnourished haha 😄
Hahaha….I was commenting back and forth with this lady. I hope she believed me. Yes can you believe she told her she was starving and needed to pay rent. Lady really was believing all VT was telling her. I wonder how many people she has told this story to.
I’m not surprised…..🤮
Vanessa is a Fullblown Scam Artist and a Lowlife Crack head that scams ignorant people to send her money so she won’t work..All you idiot’s supporting her need to wake up already…Stop Enabling her…She needs mental help..
People will still send her money she will say the haters are not telling the truth.
Lawd ha’mercy. I can hear Dr. Now in my head. “ you don’t look malnourished “
Chiskis will never learn, she needs help but refuses to get it. I hope she changes for the better and one day get her girls back.
Maldita chiska, no que tu y muy muy muy
Who is that chick? Lol 😂
Get a fucking job, lazy ass. Quit asking for handouts. #Thief #Fraud #NotStarving