Sometime in 2015 or 2016 an individual by the name of Potus Ramirez made a beedio on his facebook in an antler’s inn like motel in Harlingen, Cameron Co. The video went viral and I was one of the first people to watch thus video and call the guy out the authenticity of the beedio on the comments. At the time, I was friends with Delia Rodriguez and we argued back and forth via messenger. I kept telling her “The video is fake !!!” and she kept telling me “No frank, how can you say that, it’s real….” after a while she ended up unfriending me and blocking until we became friends again last year during the chiskis saga. Please watch the beedio.
Now that you watched the beedio, you can see how easy it was to fake by placing 3-5lb fishing line (very thin) around the objects that were moved such as the telephone, towel, and coat hangar. All the objects move towards Potus as he pulls on the fishing line and what gives it away is when he pulls on the hangar, you can see his reflection holding something in his hand moving backwards, realizing he sees himself in the mirror, he moves off camera. Also there is a pair of scissors show on top of the mini fridge which were probably used to cut the fishing line.

I do think paranormal activity exists, however Potus Ramirez is a liar who capitalized at the right moment and at the right time and made the fake beedio.