Yesterday I went to Stars Drive in Raymondville to order some food and from the looks of things, I had some stockers since they took a picture(s) or beedio when I was going live and sent it to one of the hate pages out there.

Now if anyone saw the live beedio, I wasn’t walking around anywhere since I was in my car, so I don’t know where they get I was walking around. But one of the things they shouldn’t of done is blown their stocking cover, because now we know what the stocker looks like and what kind of car the guy drives.

So after reviewing the beedio there was a guy in a black late 2000’s dodge charger who left the Stars Drive in but then immediately circled back and went back into Stars and parked in front of where I was next to that Ford SUV. What did you hope to accomplish vato? did you want an autograph? You could of just asked for one and I would of just said ” toma tu pinche leche, yours truly, frank mar ✊✊”
Para pendejo no se estudia !!!
Thanks for the license plates buddy.
*** Update in less than 1 hour after this post was made we found who the stocker is, some guy named Eric González who I never seen on the page before or heard of. Maybe he wanted a Fangz drink ?

Dox his ass or at least a facebook link
Hey dat guy gives blow jobs at the truck stop for free
That Pussy is a known Pedophile and Catfish around Raymondville…He’s a sorry ass lowlife that conned a young lady out of that car and still to this day hasn’t paid her back…He has several fake profiles on Facebook that he uses to Catfish Girls..From What people know around Raymondville is that he has diabetes and lost his girlfriend a while back because she said he was no longer able to get his dick hard….Pobre Pendejo…He’s what you call a straight up loser..
That kind of people Taquache69 and Vanessa attract so they can easily mind fuck….Hes also Mentally Retarded and has issues…
Excellent Work as Always,
Clarice, when sending agents out into the world, make sure they aren’t incompetent and have a semblance of discretion. It must be hard, being an obese whore that is compensated for performing sex acts, to find associates of a caliber that surpasses your inferior intelligence.
Clarice, what is it like to have been sexually abused as a young girl? I’m sure your grandfather masturbated on your face as you slept. It must be terrible to recall all the times men in your life used you a semen receptacle. I myself, if given the opportunity, would empty my lust onto your open anus while you look back at me with loving, daughterly eyes.
Clarice, can a man and a woman engage in a sexual liaison and not develop mutual feelings of attraction? I sometimes replay your videos in slow motion and imagine the $20 bill that I would give you after your mouth fellates my engorged, bulbous penis. Those loving eyes looking up at me as I empty the contents of my scrotum into that warm, inviting orifice you so horribly use to spew your venom. I can almost feel the back of your neck firmly in my grasp as I thrust into that desperate mouth. See you at the truck stop, cunt-scab harlot.
That’s a guy that catfishes people all over fb. He’s been called out by the real Eric. His name isn’t even really Eric. What a loser ! So this is what he’s been up to. Total waste
Nothing get’s pass you Frank Lol nice work.
That’s some Pendejo from Raymondville that has Fullblown Diabetes and Can’t get his Dick Hard anymore…El Pendejo can’t fuck anymore and lost his rucka porque his dick don’t work anymore…He goes by Eric Ice Gonzalez on Facebook…Hes a known Weaso and Faggot around Raymondville….
Is that Joe Exotic?