Denise Sanchez is the current mayor of Poteet, a small town 30 miles south of San Antonio of approximately 3200+ residents. She’s been following the nomorecheezmeh facebook page for several months and had called me sometime before the election to tell me she was a fan of the page and that she would send me a bottle of delicious strawberry wine. I received that bottle of wine and saved it until recently when I made a cooking show. La chiskiada always up to no good, noticed the caption “thx to Denise Sanchez from Poteet” and of course did a search to see who this Denise Sanchez was and made the connection and as soon as she did, began her quest of intimidation and harassment. La chiskiada called Denise Sanchez recently and for Denise’s own protection, recorded the phone call, part of that call is available below, you may need to higher the volume on your device as the sound quality is not great.
In the recording la chiskiada like always, tries to stop the other person from speaking and is pissed off that I received a bottle of wine from Denise and also the fact that next year Ofelia Moreno and myself have been invited personally by the mayor to the Poteet Strawberry Festival
That just makes the wine even more delicious to drink, as my friend Michael Zermani says , “it’s like drinking blood from the haters” ?
Let me know your thoughts.
When she receives her “cease and desist letter” she will be crying about that, grow up and worry about your kids instead of who got invitaded to the Strawberry festival!!!
Just heard the phone call. Extremely unprofessional, threatening and disturbing. Miss Sanchez is a Gov Official and I hope she pursues action against that drug addict crazy. June 3rd is a day to be celebrated, two defenseless children being abused and neglected constantly, daily by their alcoholic drug addict mother were saved from potential tragedy by not one sole person but many and now live happy normal lives. She had four children all who were taken from her care, she does not miss them, does not fight for them she dilutes her story to prey upon genuine people and rob them of money nothing more.
Poteet is real close by and we (San Antonio) got Sanchez’s back!
I wish VD would try to come mess with us. You done fucke@ with the wrong person, so disrespectful and unprofessional wannabe Nurse. I can’t wait to see the live from the chiskis parade. He he he.
Amanda, you’re not even from the Rio Grande Republic, Let alone from Texas. There’s nothing you can do to stop Chiskis Day…. it will happen. The tears of the haters will be many on the streets of Raymondville.
Lmao awwww did I hit a nerve lmao I wouldn’t know about pictures or anyones status im not a stalker like you lmao, and no in my mind im thinking how pathetic of this so called man you are lmao… how can people be so concerned about someone they supposedly don’t care about…. the person down the road from me is a crack head and lost her kids I could never imagine goin live putting this girl down everytime she’s seen somewhere or making posts 24/7 talking about her!!! And Why would I not do that??? Common fuking sense because its non of my business!!!! Just like what that lady does it’s non of yours!! Get a life already, and put all that attention to your wife and kids im sure you wouldn’t be so miserable Worrying about others!!
Amanda must be Vanessa….shes mad mad.
Amanda Salas, eat your own fucking words. You are saying “KArma is a bitch, you reap what you sew” well that is what la chiskiada is definitely reaping !!! El payaso se la esta cargando gacho bad. As far as my wife, my wife is good, she actually had papers before I met her, there’s pictures of us together before we got married, there’s pictures of her in San Francisco, Las Vegas..etc.. if she was illegal or didn’t have papers, she wouldn’t even be able to take those pictures long time ago, no solo hables por hablar porque eres pendeja. I guess in your pathetic mind you’re like, “let me talk about his wifes legal status” without realizing you’re the stupid one. CHISKIS DAY IS GOING TO HAPPEN.
The girl under me cannot form a sentence.
Get a life you guys act worse then my 10 year old son God for bid he ever stalk or treat a woman the way FM does!! smdh he’s a sicko he has serious issues and the worse part his wife supports him smdh desperate much lmao maybe so she can stay in the US lmao he likes to bash that girl over her weight look at his face how do you all not cringe 🤮ughhhhhhhh.. and for them 2 other miserable brujas talk about miserable hateful people that old lady is a joke if she only saw how dumb she looked yelling and grabbing herself like a dumbass its like watching the circus she’s the damn clown they should call her Bozo 🤡 instead of main street lmao.. and her lil boy looking minion next to her them faces she makes 😅 how desperate for attention and to talk to people she always interrupting and talking shit she has no clue about…all they do is talk about God and if they knew the bible and God so well they should know God doesnt like ugly!! Karmas a bitch remember your reap wat you sow all they ever say is well I heard on fb lmao don’t lie bitch you old ladies breath and live for Vanessa you stalk and worry about her 24/7 now that’s a problem and if you don’t see how sick you are well then I think YOU need the evaluation!!! Look how upset u got when people talked about your drinking and would say if u didn’t buy it don’t worry about it well just like Vanessa whatever she does you don’t pay for it so you stop worrying about it your such a narcissistic hypocrite. them poor sons will be single forever with a mother like you always in everyone’s business using all their money smdh can’t wait till the day yall run into eachother at the store or somewhere cause if I were that poor girl I’d go to jail!!!
We need the justice system in Raymondville, TX to work!!! Enough is enough. She has not only endangered her own children, but she continues to harass, threat and endanger other citizens!!! They way that this is looking, she continues to be free even though she has stolen government assistance, stolen glasses, harass people, and endangered her own children while under the influence of drugs and alcohol!!! Had this been any other private citizen in Willacy County or other counties, they would already be in jail paying for their crimes. She is out of control and continues to harass and threatened people. The justice system including the judges are the laughing stock of the RGV!!! She is a drug addict that is out of control and continues to rant, threat, and now takes advantage of the trokero. She is a disgusting human being that is a poor excuse for a human. She has terrorized her own children, endangered them, and continues to shame them by her behavior!!!
Vanessa, mijita, you need to learn the difference between anger and hatred.
When you commit an offense against someone, they have every right to be mad. When you call their employers in an attempt to get them fired for not kissing your ass and saying exactly what you want, you should expect that they are going to be angry. It is a natural human emotional reaction to the injustices they have experienced because of your selfish, despicable, evil behavior toward them. Blame yourself for the anger you have created. You manifested anger towards yourself.
Hate, on the other hand, is the state in which you reside. You hate everyone who disagrees with you. You hate anyone who does not look like you. You hate anyone who attempts to correct you. You hate everyone who isn’t you and doesn’t put you first. Your entire existence is fueled by hate and selfishness. There is nothing loving about your existence. You hate anyone who has had more success than you and you will do ANYTHING in your power to bring anyone that is more successful down to your level. You thrive off of the pain and suffering of others .. you cannot hide that giddiness you get when you are successful at doing so. We have seen this time and time again. Do you really think that others do not possess the same ability? Your delusional if you believe that.
The difference between between people the people you have purposely targeted and attempted to make suffer is that angry people still possess the ability to maintain some self control. Angry people do not attempt to destroy other people because of the slightest offense. On the contrary, hate filled souls like yourself do and actually feel a sense of accomplishment and pleasure. That euphoria you get when you are successful is the hate I am speaking about.
Learn the difference, mijita. All you are doing when you label others as “hateful” is highlighting how incredibly hate filled your life really is. Blame yourself for that. Only you can take responsibility for the hateful life you have lived. You are as low vibrational as a human can get. Que 3-6-9? Using this for your self-serving, hateful agenda! Absurd! Stop tainting everything that is good with your hateful intent. Enough is enough!
One of your victims that is angry and waiting for the legal system to provide me and the rest of your victims the justice we have been patiently waiting to see be served.
Esa bayena tamal mal envuelto, I’ve known of her since 2011, one of my family members was her and her ex husband patient, so when her ex-husband couldn’t make it on time to the patients home she would replace her husband to check vitals and give patient MED’s (BUT SHE WAS’NT THE PATIENTS NURSE AND SHE DIDNT WORK FOR THE AGENCY) she lied saying it was her ex- going to the patients home when IT WAS HER!! Patient lived in lyford Tx about 6 miles from their home and they were always always late morning and afternoon! Then when patient decided she wanted another nurse because they were not being responsible OHHH BOYYY SHE CRIED AND TRIED TO CONVINCE THE PARENT NOT TO CHAMGE AGENCY OR NURSE BECAUSE THEY NEEDED THE JOB!! A pero cuando llegabas tarde sin bañarte greñuda con lagañas en los ojos ahí no decías nada marrana!!! You ain’t no body tacuacha , you need to put your feet on the ground and stop thinking you’re important or have pull!! No eres nadie PORQ YO DIGO QUE NO ERES NADIE ASÍ VA SER, bájate del barquito búscate un mapa y piérdete a chingar su Mauser ZORRA!!
Vanessa “La ChIsKiAdA” “Lot Lizard” “sico de mamadora” needs to sit the fuck down.
Vanessa you’re of zero importance. Take a deep breath and realize you are the laughing stock of Raymondville, TX. People tune in to laugh at the train wreck known as “La ChIsKiAdA”. Your intimidation tactics are ridiculous. The petulant child who cries and stammers when her demands are not met.
There are rules in this life. Without them we’d be like the animals. Your time is coming, and you’ll be shining……in prison Babosa. Don’t think the courts have forgotten about you. Covid restrictions are being lifted. Court will resume, I’ll be clearing my schedule to attend your hearings. To see and hear you ridiculously try to tell the judge what he should do. You’re no one, but a two bit stalker, unfit mother, sunglass, and food stamp thief. The clock is ticking, Chiskis parade is coming soon, just as your court dates are quickly approaching.
Tick Tock ChIsKiAdA, and I’m not taking about the app, time is running out. I do hope you are
Educated enough to STFU when you’re being sentenced. Or might you try to “command” the judge to let you go? Hahahaha!!
You are insignificant, a train wreck, and lastly a laughingstock. Eat a bag of dicks, we know you’ve already done plenty of that.
Why can’t Vanessa see that she is the hateful one? Her anger is out of control.
Jealous much Vanessa???
Boohoo I’m butt hurt cauce I didn’t get an invite. Shut the hell up. Nobody wants you anywhere near a parade. Grow up and stop harassing people and bulling to get what you want it doesn’t work only on Roy lol
Vanessa sounds like a toddler in her terrible twos with a God complex. YOU ARE NOT JESUS, STOP COMPARING YOURSELF!!! Doing so is SACRILEGIOUS!!!! LOOK IT UP IF YOU’RE SO SMART!!!
Ever heard of… “do unto to others, as you would have them to unto you.” HOW OLD WHERE YOU WHEN YOU REALIZED YOU ARE GETTING WHAT YOU’RE GIVING!!!!
Harassing a government official over not getting her to align with your stupidity…. is hella childish… GROW UP!!!
If i were the Mayor. I wouldve not explained anything to Vt and hung up the damn phone in her face. Shes noone to have to explain. Pinche vieja gorda rateradrogadicta mal madre puta prostituta. Breathe…fradulant sin verguenza jealous ass manipulating bitch…haci o mas…Mayor please hang up on that nutcase.
Oh my gosh the mayor can do as she pleases Vanessa is a scum on earth wasting her time with people who know she’s crazy already like get over it your no one !!!!!! You belong in a psych ward
“No lawyer will ever stop me from saying that” NO SHIT VANESSA. THEY ALWAYS QUIT ON YOU THATS WHY! I know you’re reading this & I know you’re foaming at the mouth right now. The sad part is that no matter how many people try to correct you (for the sake of your children) you will never act right. You will never get clean for your kids. You will never actively look for a lawyer to fight for the custody of your children. You LOVE not having your kids. You are finally able to get them out of your back seat so you can smoke crack & snort coke in peace. You have Roy paying for EVERYTHING like the little puppet he is. You have it MADE! By listening to this audio it’s clear what Vanessa’s priorities are & unfortunately, they’re not her children. She wanted to be center of attention.. well she is now. Got a bunch of arrest, always in the newspapers about different charges she’s racking up. Ah man, I can go on. I’m just glad her kids are out of the hands of this idiot. Finally sleeping in a bed & eating healthy meals. ❤️
The only room you have booked is the semi-private suite located in Cell Block C, Vanessa!
Stop harassing people, Vanessa!
Isn’t the current Protective Order and your Felony Stalking Charges enough for even “the most ignorant and under educated people of the Rio Grande Valley” (Vanessa’s words) to understand that since YOU are the ONLY common denominator, then it is reasonable to conclude that YOU are the problem, NOT everyone else?
Ethical? Logical? Reasonable? Bwahahahaha! Only in your own twisted version of reality, Chisckis! Tls, sonsa!
Vanessa is a MORON!!!! SHE IS SUCH A LIAR!!!! Who does she think she is? Threatening the mayor. She is a disgusting human being.
Pinche Vieja Pendeja this is the same shit shes been doing to the citizens of Raymondville..Trying to threaten people that don’t agree with her idiotic views…Vanessa suck a Dick you Fat Disgusting Pig..You’re gonna be in Jail soon and this is exactly why everyone turned on you in Willacy County because you’re fucking Pendeja…
La pinche pendeja can make bookings to non existing hotels in poteet, but when it comes time to making arrangements for the lawyers in her court cases, se hace la pinche victima.
Who does Vanessa think she is? (don’t answer that).
All Vanessa did was prove SHE IS A JEALOUS, HATER that thinks she can intimidate others into silence!! No, bish, sit your ass down.!!!! The same “freedom of speech” rights you have actually apply to others as well, Vanessa!!!
You have no right at all to harass this woman…especially because it was not even warranted! You do not like what this woman choses to do on her off time for entertainment? To bad! So sad! Get over it, Vanessa!
This woman was doing nothing to you, but you chose to target her because she likes to be entertained by someone you don’t like?? You are butthurt because she didn’t ask you to come out in her town’s parade? Are you fracking kidding me right now??? Vanessa, How old were you when you were told the world does NOT evolve around you? There is a reason you are referred to as “La Chisquiada” and you have certainly earned that title!
Applauds to the Mayor for having restraint that I would not have been able to demonstrate in this situation. She handled herself extremely well, but there is no reasoning with someone who thinks that she should always get what she wants, when she wants. Her 2 year old temper tantrum did not work on this woman, so she threatens her and then hangs up?
Grow up, Vanessa!
Focus your energy on doing what is necessary so you can see your kids again before you are locked up for all those felonies charges you are facing at your upcoming trials.
This lady vanessa is sick in the head…. CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY she needs help….
She’s gonna be in jail… mark that on your calendar
“I stand by every single thing that i’ve ever stated in every single video” – VT
Just how she said she was molested by her grandfather. Just how she said she found the crack pipe in her home. Just how she said she doesnt do drugs. Just how she said she didnt steal those sunglasses. Just how she said everyone in the valley is ignorant and uneducated. Just how she said she was lured into the hotel by a woman with a black bra. Shall I go on? Hey Frank, you need to make a compilation video of all the shit she has said that she “stands by.”
She’s mad because she didn’t get invited to the parade…. and Roy had the audacity to say this Mayor aligned with hate. Not only does Vanessa need to get her head checked..Roy needs to jump on that bandwagon too.
She is bat shit crazy
This lady nesecita una cachtada de typo padrastro mariguanado! Like for real, I can’t stand the h**!
Ok….I hear nothing but threats.
Wow… she never lets anyone talk.
So childish… you sound ridiculous Vanessa! Grow the fuk up lady… having tantrums like 2 yr old, no mames!!!
Why she mad wtf
She’s a total malignant narcissistic bitch! Throwing a tantrum like a 2 year old. Vanessa, sit and spin on this 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼
She needs help badly. She’s just mad that she wasn’t invited to the parade.
Errmergerd! What a fool!🤯🤯
She is completely batshit crazy!