El trokero made some breakfast this morning and made a live beedio about it and while there wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, upon further review one of the sickest things came to view, a damn fucking cockroach. We’re not talking about a cockroach on the wall, we’re talking about a cockroach in the coffee cup and pouring coffee on it and drinking from the fucking cup, a la verga que ascoooo ???
La pinche chiskiada se pelo y no lavo los pinches trastes y pobre el trokero le toco la mala suerte.
Pay close attention on minute 0:10

He sleeps with the meth head trash can Banessa u think a cockroach is gonna phase him
That’s disgusting alv 🤢
Does anyone else think that maybe Chiskis is blackmailing him? He makes beedios & then takes them down. Because I don’t think her kitty meow meow is THAT good. He travels so he can get any lot lizard he wants.
It has to be something that he’s willing to ruin his reputation, his house, his family & friends for.
My tin foil hat is tingling, folks!
Eeewww.🤢 The dude needs glasses
Chiskis brought her friends over from her Arby’s.
How on earth did he not see the roach in there?!?!?!
Mmm mmm geeewwwd🤣
I didn’t see him drink from it !
He has a triple chin. Keep eating everything in sight.
She brought her roaches to his house? That’s DISKUSTING!
I’m Wondering How this Sick Fat Disgusting Pig didn’t notice or taste the Cockroach..Pinche Jente Mugrosa They will eat and devour anything..That’s why that whole family the Maroqueens are all Fat Fucks!