The drugs, the hoes, the dildos, throwing money at strippers at Jaguars and who can forget that one drunken night in Willacy co. when Breezy allowed a horse named Brown Pride to mount and fuck her (she also admitted later she sucked it off). All those shenanigans are now in the past as she recently got baptized and is now a “born again Christian”

We’re going to see if it’s true she has no more hate in her heart and stops hanging out in all the hate pages. I’ll be watching pinche takuachi and call you out when I see you partake in bullying and doing stupid shit. Now you can erase all that crap out of your face.
Taquache69 is a One Ugly Disgusting Looking Hypocrite Bull Dike Bitch..This is all a front so she can get lienancy on her up coming court cases..Everyone knows this Bull Dike is a Drug Dealer and a Stupid Dumb Bitch that thinks shes all bad but is a Pendeja..La Pendeja is all talk….La Leprechaun Bitch looks like shit and really does look like a Walking Leprechaun…She has several fake profiles she uses to share her hate and defend her Crack head lowlife friend Vanessa Tijerina La Chiskiada…Born Again Christian My ass More Like Born Again BullDike..😂🤣💀💀
Stupid Dumb Ignorant Bulldike couldn’t even finish High School that’s why she can’t spell or pronounce words right…
I also heard on Facebook that her own mom told her to kill herself..
Where is Vanessa? This PITA is always supporting Vanessa.
I’m surprised Vanessa isn’t the one doing the Baptism.