La farisea del valle, Bonnie Hernandez made a crying beedio yesterday evening and talked about none other la chiskiada because she was referencing someone who mentioned to her that there was some audio that sounded “like her” and was broadcasted on Ofelia Moreno’s show and what was supposed to be a quick explanation turned to be an hour “SAVE LA CHISKIADA, PLEASEEEEE”, please watch the entirety of the beedio below starting around the 24 minute mark.

First and foremost, I want to let everyone know that all this shit show (with la chiskiada) actually started because of Bonnie. Bonnie had attacked students and teachers from an Edinburg high school because students decorated a door from a high school with a bloody witch in their interpretation of the book called “The Crucible (about the Salem Witch Trials of late 1600s) Bonnie Hernandez used her radio platform at the time when she was working at the tejano radio station to make mention of this door decoration and caused this huge online scene and people rallied against her. Soon Bonnie started blocking everyone that disagreed with her and made beedios “God is protecting me from all the haters” and so forth. There was memes that started spreading like wildfire and eventually after a few days made their way to my timeline. When it finally got to me, I reached out to Bonnie to find out what were all these online memes about and she was all excited “OH WOW FRANK MAR, I BEEN FOLLOWING YOU FOR A LONG TIME”. She told me that there was a stalker harassing her for a couple of years and calling all her sponsors that she made advertisements and that her name was Vanessa Tijerina from Willacy Co. and that she needed my help to put a stop to her. Looking back on this, what she really wanted is divert all the negative attention she created and dump it on la chiskiada and truth be told, it worked. Bonnie later got fired from her job some months after and blamed it on la chiskiada and hell broke loose.

As you can see from a private message between Bonnie and myself (in blue), Bonnie was pissed and wanted vengeance and to go full force against la chiskiada. For approximately one year we talked on a day to day basis about how la chiskiada would go down, I remember her being all excited when she got arrested on Chiskis Day “HAHAH THAT BITCH IS FINALLY IN JAIL !!”. After about the end October of 2020, we stopped talking.
Bonnie Hernandez is a big fat hypocrite, a bible thumper, she uses religion as a way of excusing her actions and when things get rough, throws the bible. I don’t have anything against Bonnie personally, but I know she’ll be reading this so here’s my message to you Bonnie.
Bonnie, stop being a fucking hypocrite. The only reason you stopped talking about Vanessa is because you started selling things on Facebook and wanted Vanessa to share your items on her wall. When you say “You’ll never see anything on my page with hate” is because you try to keep a clean image on your wall while you talk shit behind private facebook groups and private messages. You don’t have millions of followers, it’s more around the 40K – 50K range and like Vanessa says, “it’s all about the views”. Most of the videos you make barely get over 200 views and that is considering you have “millions of followers” so just keep it real with everyone. How are you going to say “Vanessa is my friend” but then on your own video just say “I never met Vanessa”, which one is it? Also, all the things that la chiskiada has done, has been her own doing, I merely broadcast her own videos. Only thing I can tell you Bonnie, is keep praying for la chiskiada because she needs it, maybe this time she’ll admit to using crack and that the reason all this shit has gone downhill for her is because of her drug use, maybe she’ll listen to you, and that’s just a maybe, but I know she won’t because her admitting it is acknowledging that her nay-sayers were right all this time. I’m going to say a little prayer for you Bonnie, for you to stop being a damn hypocrite and being over dramatic and just be real without all the theatrics.
Is it me, or does she not remind you of one person?
But on bonnie defense she didnt lose her boys and she would sell food to make ends meet.
Whats wrong with her nose lips and teeth 🤦🤔
WHOA WHOA WHOOOA Excuse me Bonnie but YOU chica just BROKE confidentiality🤯 Did you get this young ladies permission to throw out her first AND last name to entire internet??? I understand loving on humanity but YOU Bonnie are wreckless and JFYI Your EGO is NOT your AMIGO!!
If you’re so “GOD fearing” and do nothing but GODS work then OBVIOUSLY Bonnie, you’ve said the EXACT same thing to VT🧐
Wow what a history she has. People have disliked her for many years. And for good reason!
I’ve seen Bonnie a few times in Wal-Mart in Edinburg and she don’t look like this. Nada que ver. Puros pinches filters 😂
I watched 7 seconds of this BonBon character and it’s evident she’s got some SERIOUS issues…every word she says she follows with a sexy/sultry look on her face 😆😆 whackadoos supporting whackadoos 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️ the mentally unstable. Can she make a video without a filter🧐
It’s disgusting that this woman is defending the unmentionable. The unmentionable has done so much damage to a lot of people including her children. And is still doing damage. Don’t be a hypocrite. Defend someone who doesn’t deserves to be defended, not some woman who doesn’t even love herself enough to want to change for herself and her children. You can’t feel sorry for someone who isn’t choosing or wanting to do better for themselves. That woman is narcissistic and a lier and self destructive. Everything that happens to her is because of her own behavior and her own doing it’s karma for what she has made her child suffer. The only ones that deserve defending are the unmentionable children. The unmentionable is a grown ass woman and knows exactly what she has done. Karma is a bigger bitch then both of you woman.
She shitted a lot on Vanessa tijerina I don’t think VT will be happy with all the things she admitted of Vanessa basically she admitted to everything she thinks of her in her little prayer
OMG! Empire?!?! Selling pulga goods?!?
Yeah, I felt real bad about Bonny. no anymore. Hey Bonnie this vannesa doing to innocent people what she did to you. think about that then choose your side wisely
Yes bonnie.. you dont ask people to help you but when you do help people it should be between you and God only and not voice it to the whole world. Mathew 6:3-4( give your gifts in private, and your father, who sees everything will reward you)
You nailed it 👋
All I can say is she ruined her face with all that botox. People need to be content with themselves
Bonnie, you keep saying its nobodies business how vanessa sins …. but YOU’RE WRONG!!! It is their business when they are the TARGET of Vanessa’s hate!!! If you’re going to pray for the “hate” to stop, then PRAY THAT VANESSA STOPS IT.
BTW… Vanessa lost her kids by her own doing… why is everyone suppose to feel sorry for her because of it? You should feel sorry that her children have had to endure this TRAUMA at the hands of the one that was suppose to PROTECT THEM!!!
Hmmmmmm…..another filter using hypocrite.
The Bible says to forgive but it doesn’t say you have to forget. You should have dusted your sandals off Bonnie, instead you made “friends” with the person who destroyed you. That was your choice but don’t tell others how they are suppose to feel and react to a person who continually tries to destroy their lives. Yes Bonnie, she (VT) is still at it, trying to ruin lives… only difference is she does it through her followers and fake profiles….. (Just like Charles Mason brainwashed others to do all his dirty work) The common denominator in all these “hurt people” is Vanessa Tijerina. IF YOU REALLY WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE…. PREACH TO VANESSA!!! The tables have turned on her and she is reaping what she has sowed for a long time. STOP JUDGING OTHERS FOR REACTING TO VT EVIL WAYS. PRAY FOR HER TO CHANGE HER WAYS.
No wonder people don’t like her much. She had alot of people defending her on Riopolitics and nomorecheezmeh at one time. She also was writing on there as well these long messages that Vanessa was harrasing her.
She’s just as dumb as the other one!!
Pinche Vieja Pendeja! Bonnie get this through your head you moron!! WE WILL NEVER LEAVE THAT FAT PIG ALONG UNTIL SHE APOLOGIZES TO EVERYONE SHE SLANDERED..She got her apology so she doesn’t give a shit…And Furthermore all the people that backed up Bonnie like myself when she was crying that Vanessa was attacking her she turned her back on us..Bonnie you already lost millions of followers for defending a Crack head and sooner or later you will realize you made a mistake….Bonnie cannot save Vanessa and Vanessa deserves everything that’s happening to her and more..Bonnie shut the fuck up..Nothing you say or do will stop us until she apologizes and makes Retraction videos to everyone she Slandered years ago..Pay Backs are a bitch..She fucked and piss3d off the wrong people plain and simple…