Remember a few weeks ago when Mica was begging people on Facebook for help because she was getting evicted and only had a few days left before that was going to happen? Well one of the neighbors from the duplex that la scammer stays at and also happens to follow Nomomorecheezmeh informed me that la scammer has been staying there for some time and as far as that person knows, there hasn’t been any for sale signs of that property.
So either la scammer lied about getting evicted, the boyfriend came back, breezy helped with drug money. One thing is for sure, she’s still in the same residence she claimed only had a few days before getting kicked out.
All these low lifes want easy money. Shit! get a job. Pinche gente pediche. No tiene verguenza.
Mica Can Suck my Dick..She has me blocked and wants to talk shit…Pendeja I’m 5’11 and only weight 205.. I’m not the one selling furniture and begging people for money on Facebook como Pendeja because you date broke Crack looking vatos…Then to top it all off your letting that disgusting Leprechaun looking Horselover Bull Dike fuck you with her strap on!! Lmao
Before you open your dick ingested whore sucking mouth about me look at yourself Pendeja..
All lies, she should get a real job! Y luego ay te encargo Los dientes!