6:20pm Tony Martinez went up first.
Talked mostly about Space X. Good key points in the development and planning of bringing Space X and talking about future projects.
6:35pm: William Garza second.
Talkedabout tourism, getting trolleys like that of London. Package deals for tourists, shopping and restaurant deals, trying to compare to that of McAllen. Creating more retail jobs. How to bring in more revenue. Building another library by Rivera High School. Talking about creating a no kill animal shelter like the one recently built in Edinburg.
6:40pm: Tony Martinez has fallen asleep, we probably would too.
6:50pm: The Cheez man up third.
Talking about growing up in the Southmost. Going to school at Cromack and Del Castilo and Porter High School. Talking about fixing flood problems. Saying that we should elect him because he would be the first mayor from the Southmost area. Has mentioned he is the servant of the city through the use of social media, but has failed to mentioned any originality such as stealing direct articles from the Brownsville Herald, how he has made fun of people from the Pulga Online and that through his page, he has done more than everyone else. Has talked about Lincoln Park and how they have saved it from going down the street next to a water treatment plant.
7:15pm Pat Ahumada 4th.
Pat Ahumada has started by talking about the Casa Nylon, also mentioning the relocation of Lincon Park next to a sewer plant and being against it. Has mentioned when he was mayor previously that he held PUB accountable and was able to get rates lowered and PUB needs to be audited for price gauging. Has mentioned he is also from the Southmost, so it looks like someone was first as mayor coming from that area. Has mentioned lowering property taxes. Governing for everyone and not just for friends. Pat Ahumada actually got the police substation in front of HEB. Will work on creating transportation for college students, will also try to get free parking in downtown. Will work with the City and create international flights to and from the airport. Having children/teenagers tried in court for playing hooky and also providing mentorship for children to get ahead in life.
7:30pm Brenda Joyas 5th but didn’t say anything much worth mentioning, spent only 5 minutes.
7:38pm Robert Sanchez (Capt. Bob) up 6th, showed up 1 hour late.
Has mentioned his relationship with his wife is a lot better now with the mayoral race. Talked about the attorney Ray Marchan who jumped off the Port Isabella bridge and that hes embarrassed by that, not sure if he had to mention that. Has pointed out as a business owner he knows what businesses need, however he is yelling really loud, we are able to hear everyone else just fine and we have good hearing. Has mentioned the Gateway Bridge and Brownsville/Matamoros bridge is owned by the city (They are not)
We don’t know yet.
Will u be allowed any questions?…