Mr. Castro puts the following post that the political entities here in the city hire out of city companies to run those political campaigns. The funny thing is that everyone knows Mr. Castro has lived in Austin and has managed the “Brownsville Cheezmeh” page from afar while endorsing candidates also, does this not make him a hypocrite also? Only a few years ago he was endorsing Erin Hernandez who was running for Justice of the Peace and Carlos Masso (remember cheezMASSO?) who at the time was running for District Attorney.
Jim Barton who runs the Mean Mister Brownsville blog, exposed him in a July 2012 posting and actually Erasmo Castro agreed that he received endorsements.
Can read the full article by clicking here
So why does he continue lying to people? We are not sure, maybe he has lied so much now that he thinks he is saying the truth.
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