A person named Buck Treviño posted previously on various facebook groups to find his missing dog several days ago.
Nobody came forward until a few days ago there was a post that Cheezmeh put on his page with the lost dog looking injured and bloodied. Apparently someone saw the dogs but didn’t know anything about the owner so he sent this information to cheezmeh so it can be shared with.
The owner of the dog (Buck Treviño) contacted cheez and let him know that it is his dog and that he is desperate to know what’s wrong with the dog and if he can get the person who knows where the dog is. Cheez didn’t want to provide the contact information for whatever reason even though he has mentioned many times that he “reunites lost pets with the owners” why didn’t he want to help this person find his lost dog, is beyond us.
Can you imagine that? This poor man has a dog somewhere in Brownsville that is all bloodied up and dying and he doesn’t want to help this man, so what does he do? blocks him.
Good thing his running for mayor has ended. If someone knows where this poor dog is, please contact the owner directly at his facebook link below.
In addition a community page to help find the dog has since been started, you can click on the picture to join the page.
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