I realize as I write this, I may get a lot of scrutiny and backlash for coming out and declaring who I am. But I have nothing to hide and in reality the main purpose of this website/blog served its purpose that it was intended for. I told that motherfucker long time ago not to fuck with me, and most importantly to stop fucking around with people that are way smarter than he is. #nomorecheezmeh is no one else than me, Frank Mar. Many people had their suspicions and may have even guessed that it was me, but never had any proof. Even if I mentioned it to a few select people, they weren’t entirely sure that I was telling them the truth, keep in mind just because someone tells you something, doesn’t make it truthful without evidence.
So why did I do it?
The answer is simple, I did it for justice, punishment, and to give him a taste of his own medicine. I am not a religious person and don’t believe in all that karma bullshit that many people believe in, so for me it wasn’t something that I had any remorse when I did it. Think about it though, this is a fat fuck who is a twisted individual who has been sitting at some apartment somewhere in Austin all these years talking shit about people every damn fucking day, at some point in time someone had to put a stop to it, I only wished it was someone else but since no one took initiative then I took it upon myself to make it happen. Many people, including several family members all told me the same thing, that Erasmo doesn’t give a shit about anyone other than himself and if he has to throw his own fucking family under the roof, he will do it because that’s just the type of person he is. I don’t consider myself a saint or any shit like that, but I would never do shit to my own family.
How did I meet Erasmo Castro?
I have posted the complete story several times on facebook, but I’ll try to write it again in a simpler version. When I was living in Brownsville (I live in Houston now), there was a time that his page “Brownsville Cheezmeh” was popular and was famous/infamous, I even at one point followed the page to a certain degree and participated in several discussions with people. I told el cheezter that I could help him and for free even to make a website so that he can expand not only on facebook but to every social platform with a click on a button. We met the first time in person at the Vermillion Restaraunt with some other people to just hang out, I happened to be off that day from work and I was close by when he posted it so I decided to go in and grab me a beer or two. The second time was at Cobbleheads and this time we had a chance to sit down and talk about this website project, I showed him what could be done and he said “Well I am having financial difficulties, so im kind of looking of something for free” and I told him that I could do it for free, not a big problem. The next several weeks, I had developed the website and everything was ready, just that it needed one thing, and that was authorization from his facebook account to be able to post on the different social platforms, I needed el cheezter to sign in and allow access but this is where we reached a roadblock. This guy has serious trust or mental issues that every time I told him the only thing we needed to do is authorize the app, he would beat around the bushes. After spending a lot of time on the website and for free for fuck sake, this guy wasted my time that I got tired of it, so I told him if he was going to allow the app to authorize on the website. This is where I started realizing this guy was full of shit, he told me “I can’t, I don’t even allow my children to get on my computer” His thinking was that I was going to be able to see his messages of what people write to him privately. I’ve managed the whole fucking network of a credit union, where there is hundreds of thousands of dollars in transactions made daily, you think I was going to give a shit about people sending a message to this guy’s facebook on who is fucking who? or if there was a fly in a fucking soup? I’ve also worked at the hospital down there, where patient’s lives are decided if a computer works or not, you think they would give me access to their systems if they didn’t trust me? I’ve even done work for the City of South Padre Island and the Brownsville Police Department. Anyhow, since this guy didn’t want to pursue the website, I shut it down and moved on.
What finally lead to me running the nomorecheezmeh.com page?
It was around January or February of this year, I don’t remember exactly but I hadn’t talked to Erasmo in almost 2 years since the website deal, I hadn’t followed his page since I was blocked from it for speaking my mind and of course when he doesn’t agree with something he just blocks you because because he’s a little bitch. I went on La Pulga Online page one day, and asked for people who were interested in writing for a new blog I was going to make, something original and that we wouldn’t copy/paste like other “bloggers” keep in mind I didn’t mention any names. So what does this motherfucker do? He puts me on blast for no fucking reason. I didn’t even know he was talking shit about me, but a friend of mine messaged me “frank, why is cheezmeh talking shit about you?” and I’m like wtf? So he sends me the screenshot and I see what he wrote. In the message he writes “Frank was blocked because he weirded the shit of me” which of course isn’t true because he blocked me for liking a comment that he didn’t agree with. He also says “He stalked me because he wanted to take selfies with me” that motherfucker lives in Austin and why would I want to stalk him? Is he not giving me a bad name? Is he not defaming my character? So this is when I said to myself, this guy I’ve had it with him and he is going to pay the price, but not just for me, but for everyone else he threw under the bus.
How I planned it.
You know when you watch a movie and say, “man that was a BADASS movie” Well someone had to write the script to that badass movie. This was the same process that I used to coming up with a plan. I had to think of a way to make him think that this page was run by everyone else other than me and for that required the use of several things. Since I live in Houston now, it would be kind of difficult to do everything by myself, so by making the page this allowed people to submit pictures and of course I would crop them and caption them in a way as someone was there watching him. It was funny since at first I never expected so many people to contribute but once the word was out that there was a “anti cheez” page the word spread quickly like wild fire. The original page was called “Do not Elect Erasmo Castro for Brownsville Mayor” and it garnered in 2 or 3 weeks time about 1300+ followers. At first, Cheezmeh was like “that page sucks, its just another hater page” that he actually would tell people to visit our page, but by the beginning of March the page had grown so much that he couldn’t sleep at night because he had to see what we were talking about him and he had to block people left and right every hour, it was pretty funny seeing this. Then the page got taken down because Erasmo Castro and his many fake accounts along with his people reported our page. The reason it got taken down is that the pictures we were using were being reported as “violent” or “harassment.” Obviously this kind of sucked at first since we had a good amount of followers that didn’t know what happened to the page, but it just made me come up with an ingenious way to make the next page, “report proof” and it has worked till now. So what I did is make a new facebook page, get a domain and call it “nomorecheezmeh” and this time instead of putting everything up on Facebook, I started putting the articles on the website. Since the content that I put on this website is owned by me, then nobody can report it. I had to spread the word out, so I had a few bucks on my paypal balance so I used the advertismen feature and in about 2 weeks time, people knew we were back and this time for good. I also mentioned previously that all websites have a registrar and people can do a public information check on a particular website to find out who owns it and everything else, but since I knew at some point in time he was going to be nosey like a bitch, it was best to make it private so that my private information is concealed. Once I had this new page and the word was out, people would be sending me so much shit on a daily basis that it was unbelievable that how many people hated this guy. All the rumors that people would say on forums and on facebook, were just rumors until I started putting all those pieces of information together and with some minor investigation work, like a jigsaw puzzle, put those pieces together and came up with the finished puzzle, the truth. His residency in Austin was pretty easy to figure out, he had all these selfies with his cat that it didn’t take me long to figure out where he lived, and all I had to do was match the pictures to the ones from the Austin apartments and they matched. I already knew he lived there, but why not have solid 100% proof? so I emailed the apartments and they wrote back to me acknowledging that he has lived there since August of 2010 till present, what a better way to know someone lives somewhere when your own landlord knows that you do. Then the church story, that was a little bit more complicated since I didn’t even hear about it until I started running the page, but through some investigation I put everything together. Of course I knew that he would get pissed off but fuck it, this information needed to come out. That month in April, the website reached over 100,000 views and on Facebook alone over 400,000+ views. Then I made the video right before election day that went viral and it hit over 170 shares, 260 likes, and over 10,000+ views. Of course to top put cherry on top, I went to Brownsville to take care of some personal things but also to vote and put my name in history. This motherfucker never thought in a million years that I would pay him a little visit and so I did. He was always saying “my detractors are scared in facing me” but I showed up in person and see if that was true. Sure enough I show up, and he walks across the street holding his video camera and shoving it in my face. Afterwards I take my #nomorecheezmeh sign and go to his camp and hold my sign peacefully. It was funny, he didn’t know what to do, he was sweating bricks. I even asked his people to see if they wanted to take a picture, since he would always post pictures of his followers with the other people who were campaigning, why not with me? It was funny, he would give his people this angry look and shake his head signalling no. A few people actually did wanted to but Erasmo Castro told them straight up “DO NOT TAKE PICTURES WITH HIM” I was just laughing. A lot of people ask me why I did it, but I had to prove a point, do not fuck with people because at some point in time, they are going to fuck you harder and that is what I did. They are few ways to destroy a person, and one thing I learned early on in life is that it isn’t about getting physical and beating them up, but if you take away their possessions and the thing they most dearly desire, you destroy them, and that is what I did. Granted Cheezmeh doesn’t really own anything, so there isn’t anything to take away material wise, but if you take his dream, his ambition and crush it, then your mission is accomplished, and that is what I fucking did. I humiliated him in front of everyone, I took whatever small part of dignity he had, I made him feeling worthless and most importantly I crushed his dream of becoming mayor. The pain of him seeing me there in person was so much that he couldn’t bear it and literally cried as he got into his car and took off. Am I bully? I don’t think so, because this motherfucker started talking shit about me long time ago for no reason and continues to do so up to this day saying stupid shit about me.
So what is happening with that discovery lawsuit?

Cheezmeh giving me permission to write about him as long as its not sexual accusations. Case dismissed.
Nothing, the lawsuit means jack shit at this time because I have came out publicly and have declared who runs the page. He just wasted money and time and his lawyers time. I just wanted to fuck around with his head and leaving him with doubt on who runs the page. He has blamed the people who campaigned for Pat Ahumada and even Pat Ahumada himself for running the page. He has blamed a Fernando Sosa who I actually don’t know. He made so many enemies that he couldn’t sleep at night that it gave him nightmares not knowing. Why do you think he made a discovery lawsuit? It bothered him so much that he simply had to know. Well if you are reading this Erasmo, it was me all this time along, no one else but me, who else was it going to be? Now your bitchass has defamed a shit load of people thinking it was them and publicly announced it online in writing, giving them a bad reputation that you know that is illegal. What are you going to do now knowing that there is going to be a lot of lawsuits coming your way? Is your drunk lawyer friend Angela Nix going to work with you and defend you? Or are you going to run away like you always have done all your life. Actually, most importantly, have you told Angela Nix that you actually sent a message to the page giving me permission to write anything about you? you also even sent me a text message to my cell phone that you “Don’t mind the page” so that means that you don’t care. Now I do know for a fact, that I never gave you permission to talk shit about me, so I should be suing your bitchass for defamation and “mental distress”. I know you ain’t going to do jack shit, because in case you do, I will get a lawyer who specializes in defamation and counter sue for you causing stress and spreading lies about me, and most importantly I have all the proof that you also talked shit about my family. Did you tell your lawyer that you actually sent me a picture message right before the election with Raul Martinez on the day he visited you in a BBQ? You did it because you know he and I have been fighting online. You know, Raul Martinez, didn’t even vote for you? Actually, he didn’t even vote at all, that is the funny part.
What happens next?
Well, I don’t have to be anonymous anymore, so I guess that is pretty much about it. I will continue to write articles about different things of interest and finish the website up. This page is no longer about Erasmo Castro, it’s about the community and even though I no longer live in Brownsville currently, Brownsville is my home and I will defend the people against anyone who talks shit about other people just for their amusement. There is still a lot of articles that I never got to publish, however if that fat fuck of erasmo tries again to talk shit about people or me, I will release them and I think it is in his best interest not to do so. If anyone is interested in writing for this page, please let me know because I can only do so much.
I want to thank everyone who helped me with this project, and don’t worry, you guys know who you are and I can’t announce your name publicly, then this guy is going to throw a frivolous lawsuit. Making enemies is pretty easy, but making friends is hard. Throughout these few months, I said things to people that I normally wouldn’t, but unfortunately things were said, and many of those people I have apologized personally. If you ever felt that I said something to you in a badway, I apologize, keep in mind that more than likely you just happened to be at the wrong place and at the wrong time.
Best regards
Frank Mar
Good shit Frank! Animo, avanti