No se si me debe darme risa o debe darme lastima. El marrano de monte sigue llorando. He refers to me as a “stalker” because he’s still crying like a kid that he lost the election, but who is the real stalker? I don’t go snooping into anyone’s life or anything on the other hand, this guy comes into my page and looks at every person who likes the page, comments on the page, shares the page, and even goes as far as messaging people into telling them that if they have any kind of relationship with me, “they will be blocked” so this means that if you are friends with me on facebook or even friends in person, he will block you, seriously this guy has a mental problem 😀 I mean who on earth does this? But what can you expect from a loser who has nothing going on his life except than rely on his sheep to give him a like so that he can feel good. Erasmo, why don’t you tell people the truth? Weren’t you messaging me before you found out who ran this page? You tried to be stupid sending me messages but as soon as I publicly announced who ran this page, you shit your pants and felt like a dumbass. Why did you email the hater page? “Frank, text me” because you didn’t know who ran it and even though you may have known to an extent it was me, you wanted to see if I was going to fall for it, of course I’m smarter than you’ll ever be. But now that you know its officially me, porque ya no dices nada? Go cry to step mommy.
Llorando como nino chiquito.

Filed UnderErasmo Castro
nunca pero nunca me gusto la pagina de erasmo, antes de sus intenciones de ser mayo de b’ville, no se porque, pero me chocaba esa pagina, nunca le hize like, tengo amigas que son amigas personales de el, y me decian que hiciera like, pero no.
y nunca hubiera votado por alguien como el, una cosa es ser pastor/blogger/activista o lo que sea este sr. y otra muy distinta a ser politico. y este sr. de politico no tienen nada.