
Reasons to get married.

Does anyone still believe in marriage? Is it doomed? After all statistics say that only 50% of couples who get married actually stay married, scary it really it is. None the less I personally think that it is one of the best things to have ever happened to me and sometimes I feel like I should of stayed single, depends really if we have fought that day or not. Here are my few takes why people should get married.

A) Your wounds can be healed through marriage.
I often think how the love of my wife has sometimes healed parts of me that I didn’t know could be healed, bits and pieces. The love of your wife or that of your husband can heal parts of someone that life caused, it may not be right away but love can heal and will heal all, if you let it.

B) Marriage makes you stop being lazy, it motivates you.
When I became a dad, I knew I wanted to be better person, my dad wasn’t always there for me when I was growing up so when I got married I knew I wanted to be a better person for my son and I think marriage has made me a better person. You share a life and beliefs with your significant other, you can achieve things together and there is a great feeling of satisfaction when that happens. Of course there is always a chance of failure and when you fail, that too will also be their failure, so you want to make sure you strive to do the best.

C) Marriage is like an exam
Marriage is a test you’ll want to take.
Anyone remember those times when you quit from something early on just so that later down the road you wanted to try it? Getting married is kind of like that, this will test you and your dedication to you and another person. It’s a test of your word and commitment when life is not fair.

D) There is someone out there for you, destiny? maybe so.
I think deep down that there is someone out there for you, if you don’t believe me, you can skip this part. With so many people out there in Brownsville, the Valley, Texas or if you want to use the internet and include the world, when you meet that special someone, it is such a blessing that there shouldn’t be any reason to not give everything you have to your loved one.

F) When you are married, keeps your feet on the ground.
There is a saying in Spanish that goes “hecha mentiras y la gente cree, pero no puedes mentirte a ti mismo” which means that you can lie to people except to yourself. Who knows you better than yourself? Your loved one probably, you just need to give them a chance to get to know you. They will call call out your lies when nobody else can. Sometimes life is strange and scattered but if you have that special someone in your life, they will be there to put those things back in order. 99% of the time I don’t agree with my wife, but whether I like that or not, I rather her be honest with the things she has to tell me and sometimes in life, you need that truth.

G) Marriage is tough as nails.
You may know people that are hurting from other marriages (probably thinking of them now), friends, aunts/uncles, maybe its your mom and dad, mine split up when I was a teenager. I do know for sure that you have at least a couple that is married and they are genuinely happy and work hard each day to do so. I’ve read reports that when you married now a days, it really isn’t a good idea. I often wonder why then, lot of people get married anyway, a friend of mine from high school got recently married and millions of couples in the country get married, so why does this happen? Even though they are plenty of bad reasons to not get married, I think people still feel that need to try it and make it work.

H) Marriage opens many parts of your heart that you did not know were closed.
I remember when I was small, growing up in this city, I was excited to go to Amigoland Mall each weekend because I knew my parents would buy me a transformer at KB-Toys and go to Chik Fil A and then go to Orange Julius. I know many can relate to this experience, or when you were small and there was a super big gift waiting for you all week during Christmas? When was the last time that you felt that? A marriage that is healthy can make you feel warm all over again and have you enjoy those same experiences and make you feel like you are little again. The love of your significant other can make you return to those places, I am pretty sure of that.

This weekend, think about this and share your thoughts. Let us know when you are getting married

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