The 2nd megafight of the year took place between Miguel Cotto of Puerto Rico against Saul “Canelo” Alvarez at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. The reason I say 2nd megafight is because I consider the Manny Pacquiao vs Floyd Mayweather which took place earlier this year as the fight the 1st megafight. Floyd Mayweather actually beat both boxers rather easily although Canelo put up a better fight than Cotto did against Mayweather.
Round #1
Cotto came out looking dominant in the early round. Canelo defended pretty well. I gave this round to Cotto.
Round #2
Cotto started strong but Canelo landed a good body hit that for sure hurt Cotto. Canelo started taking the offensive towards the Puerto Rican. Cotto landed a few jabs although Canelo is looking very concentrated on the fight. Canelo landed a good jab and landed a good body blow. Gave this round to Canelo
Round #3
Cotto started strong again swinging kind of crazy but Canelo was able to move around and land some good jabs. Canelo landed a good hit on Cotto’s face although cotto didn’t flinch, maybe didn’t hurt him. Cotto swinging and canelo with some good movement and defense. Canelo landed some good hits again having Cotto duck for cover. Round to Canelo
Round #4
Both fighters sized each other up but Canelo landed a good body blow that sent the crowd going AHHH. Cotto countered and came back but Canelo also came back and landed some good blows. Both fighters giving it to each other on this round. Cotto landed some good jabs. Cotto seems to have the upper hand in strategy. Cotto landed some good blows before the round finishes. Gave this round to Cotto.
Round #5
Cotto came out flying again. Cotto seems to have the upper hand again in strategy but Canelo landing some good jabs to counter the movement of Cotto. Cotto unleashing some fury against Canelo and getting a few hits. Canelo trying to land a few of his own but Cotto seems to come back some good blows also. Canelo landed one good blow. Round goes to Cotto by small margin.
Round #6
Both guys showing some small signs of fatigue but Cotto dancing around in his pink trunks sticking some jabs in. Every time that Canelo seems to put his face forward to see where to hit he keeps getting sticked by a jab from Cotto. Some more hard jabs by Cotto, moving around very well. Canelo’s face is showing a few signs of bruising. Round to Cotto.
Round #7
Canelo started pretty strong but in a quick second Cotto came back and countered everything Canelo threw. Cotto making Canelo’s head bob back and forth !!! Canelo landing a few good blows. Round was split, but going with Canelo by small margin.
Round #8
Cotto starts swinging but Canelo is moving and landing some badass punches to counter. Canelo seems to have found the spot and getting some good uppercuts in. Cotto trying to defend but Canelo is giving it to him in this round. Canelo wins this round hands down
Round #9
Started a bit slow for first 30 seconds but Cotto landed a big punch against Canelo, but it was just one punch and Canelo was able to move back. Canelo working his way little by little and both guys throwing some good punches. Canelo got a good punch sending Cotto to the ropes and almost capitalized but Cotto some how was able to move back. Canelo getting some more punches in and getting Cotto’s head bobbing back really nasty. Round goes again to Canelo
Round #10
Cotto started the attack first but didn’t do much. Canelo trying to think of a game plan as Cotto started punching more and more. Canelo landing some good body blows. Cotto’s mouth kind of looks bloodied up after getting a counter punch from Canelo when Cotto poked his face in. Both men trying not to mess up in this crucial round ut Canelo getting some punches in making Cotto almost trip. Round to Canelo.
Round #11
Cotto got some suggestions from Freddy Roach in between the round and started good the first 30 seconds. Cotto started landing some mean punches and landing although stopped. Cotto seems somewhat fatigued because he looks like he’s going to get KO’ed any second now. Canelo is just waiting for the right time to throw in the hammer. Cotto seems to have rebounded a bit but I think Canelo has a slight upperhand. Have to give this round to Canelo again
Round #12
Final round!!! Canelo landing some good hits in early. Both guys taking it to each other. Someone can get knocked out. I think Cotto is spending more energy than Canelo is. Canelo rocking Cotto, holy shit ! both guys going at it, what a round ! cotto missing a few punches as canelo landing direct on the face. Cotto started to hug Canelo just a bit. Canelo just walking in like a boss showing Cotto his punches are not hurting him. Cotto dancing around a bit and but then starts getting hammered by Canelo but wow both guys going at it. What a great round. Give it to Canelo
What a great fight between both fighters. Cotto started pretty strong and Canelo didn’t light it up till the end. Judges 117 to 111, 119 to 109, 118 to 110. All three judges by unanimous decision goes to Canelo !!! New Middleweight Champion !
Canelo says “The new era has begun, my era, the Canelo era”
So what is next for Canelo Alvarez? They asked him if he’s ready for the fight against Gennady Golovkin aka Triple G.

Gennady Golovkin, possible next match for Canelo.
There you have it folks, what a great fight. Congrats to Canelo and a new boxing era begins after Floyd Mayweather has left.
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