I know that you do not want to know anymore about me and I totally agree with you. This wreck was all my fault and therefore I am willing to accept your silence. But before, I just want to let you know so many beautiful things that will forever torment my soul.
You have to know that the first time that I saw you six years ago, my heart started racing like a crazy rabbit. You were a very gorgeous and very handsome young man. I was attracted to you instantaneously and the spirits kept whispering to my ears “He could be the one”.
Oh God, I was head over heels over you and your evil smirk was staggering upon my senses! The most outrageous scenarios and future conversations with you were racing throughout my imagination. Unfortunately those scenarios never became a reality that night because there was a mad devil next to me who kept threatening me not to dare to talk to you or get close to you. The sadness started to kill those dreams of ever speaking to you and so time went on without even knowing how it could have been if I dared that night.
Fast forward in time and this year after those six years you are still in my mind.
We started talking some months ago and everything was ethereal. You and I had wonderful chemistry and I swear on my life that I had never felt this before…never in my life!
Your voice would elevate me to outer space and electricity would run through my skin. The beautiful golden rays of your aura that your face emitted was what I was always searching for. After we’d speak on the phone, I would smile and start jumping up and down like a mad bunny. Everything we planned for the future was beautiful.
If I could choose who to marry, It would always be you.
If the world ever ended, I would like for you to be by my side.
If I could ever be happy with someone, It would be by your side.
If I could tell someone that they are my soulmate, it would be you.
If I could laugh like crazy with someone, eat ice cream, finish off my bucket list, encourage someone, grow with, cook a romantic meal, have a beautiful family, grow old next to…. It would always be you.
It is too late for that because of my stupidity and I will probably never get to really sit down with you for some coffee. I am sorry.
Please know that you will always be in my heart no matter what. I will always love you through and through because you are my one true love.
A letter for my soulmate, my one true love….

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