There’s never been in the history of Brownsville, a person more full of himself than el panochon panzon. El marrano wakes up each day and looks himself in the mirror and says “YOU’RE A CELEBRITY, I’M THE CHEEZMEH, THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE”. Today at the Christmas Parade, knowing there was going to be a good amount of people in attendance, he pounced on the opportunity to be in attendance, but since he didn’t have a float to be on, he begged his bud County Commisioner Alex Dominguez pretty please with a cherry on top to allow him to get on the float also. Why does he crave so much attention? The reason is simple, he’s a deranged lunatic and thinks he can win an election by appearing all over town in all the events.
Marrano begs county commissioner for parade float

Filed UnderErasmo Castro
Ya no voy a votar por Alex….. nimodo