Candidate for State Senate left her children with Drug Addict

I had written previously about the candidate who was previously running for Willacy Co. Sheriff, and is now running as a Republican for Texas State Senate District #28, Vanessa Tijerina was in an incestial relationship with her nephew. That Article can be found on the link

Newspaper Clipping

It turns out that besides her perversion in sexual acts with that of her nephew, it turned out that he was a drug addict. Several times while she went to make live videos she would leave her two daughters with this guy. On one occasion in February of 2019, Cody Jay Moreno was arrested for possession of controlled substances and possession of drug paraphernalia and child endangerment all while caring for Vanessa Tijerina’s daughters in her home in Raymondville. She makes plenty of live videos of her rants saying “I’m trying to protect my daughters” but literally has no problem leaving the kids alone with a drug addict.

About the author

Frank Mar

Hello, my name is Frank Mar and I like to write about anything and everything. Some of the stuff I write makes sense and other times it doesn't, but that's the beauty of blog writing, you don't have to always makes sense. I am professional IT system applications analyst working at home and also design uniforms for a living. Husband and father of two great kids. Contact me for anything via social media.

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