Once again, State Senator Candidate for District #27 Vanessa Tijerina aka La Chiskiada had to make a fool of herself in front of public by barging in on an event held for veterans. Today in Harlingen, TX at the convention senator, Senator Lucio and Senator Campbell (District 25) held an appreciation dinner as part of the Veteran Affairs & Border Security Committee.
Because of the majority of Veteran’s do vote, Tijerina couldn’t resist to grab some speaking time and take time from actual veterans. She tried arguing that why do the “brown skinned people” had less time to speak up than the other individuals who were up prior. Dr. Donna Campbell (Senator) stated that any individuals prior were invited testimonies, and any public speakers where given two minutes and had to remain on topic. Of course that answer was not going to satisfy la chiskiada and went on a temper tantrum. Everyone in the room was appalled by her behavior. Tijerina attacked Dr. Campbell saying she’s seen more veteran’s because of her being a provider (LVN). I don’t know if she knows this but Dr. Campbell is the director of emergency in a hospital at Columbus, TX and a current physician, how Vanessa thinks her credentials rank higher than a emergency room physician is beyond me. Rumors have been circling that Tijerina is not even working anymore and was fired recently from her last provider job, this may explain why she has so much free time on her hands to make dozens live videos per day and posting at all kind of hours.

After all the fiasco, Tijerina left the building and the dinner resumed. All the veterans in attendance were treated to a nice meal by Senator Lucio and Senator Campbell.
Tijerina couldn’t keep her mouth shut and while buying some sort of “prescription drugs” in Mexico as she claims, attacked Dr. Campbell again. It seemed like she was fighting herself on camera.
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