State Senator Candidate has illegal tortoise
They are 4 species of tortoises that are native to the United States , but there is only species that is native to Texas, and…
They are 4 species of tortoises that are native to the United States , but there is only species that is native to Texas, and…
With everyone staying indoors due to Coronavirus and practicing safe measures such as social distancing, many people from the Rio Grande Valley have been stuck…
How can something so tiny, invisible by normal standards have so much impact in our society that we are now forced to live in fear…
Senator Candidate for District #27, Vanessa Tijerina went live earlier on Facebook and went slightly off camera to take a big hit of what seemed…
A drug dealer in Willacy County has possibly released screenshots of messages between him and Republican Candidate for State Senate District #27. In the messages,…
Once again, State Senator Candidate for District #27 Vanessa Tijerina aka La Chiskiada had to make a fool of herself in front of public by…
We have received several complaints of that of Republican Candidate for State Senator of District #27, Vanessa Tijerina that her body odor is very pungent…
We have received confirmation by multiple close sources that candidate Erasmo Castro will be filing as a board member for Texas Southmost College. Extra confirmation…
When you’re a serial con artist, you’re job is to con as many people as possible and make people believe something that is not. In…
In a never ending story, disgraced political candidate Erasmo Castro has thrown in the idea of running for BISD Trustee this year. This has been…