The website was just hacked and the perpetrators have threatened to release the information of some 30 million members. This website is actually used discretely by both men and women who want to cheat on their significant others. So if any of you people happened to be on this site, chances are that your name may be listed in some underground network. Previously the website AdultFriendFinder was hacked. The hackers who call themselves the Impact Team said “Too bad for those men, they’re cheating dirtbags and deserve no such discretion,” and the demands made by them were “Avid Life Media has been instructed to take Ashley Madison and Established Men offline permanently in all forms, or we will release all customer records, including profiles with all the customers’ secret sexual fantasies and matching credit card transactions, real names and addresses, and employee documents and emails. The other websites may stay online.” Have any of you heard of this website?
Ashley Madison hacked !!! Life is short, have an affair.

Filed UnderInteresting and Weird stuff
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