A lot of people may not know this, but Hot Cheetos and Cheese was actually invented here in Brownsville and by yours truly. Many years ago when Hot Cheetos was first introduced, my friends and I had gone to the local superette (Darios by Minnesota) and there was a brand new flavor of Cheetos that I hadn’t seen before. Typically, my friends and I would gather enough change to pitch in for nachos and that particular day I had an extra dollar in my pocket and decided to try these new brand of Cheetos. As we were walking out the store, I opened my bag of cheetos to try them out and while I was eating them I had asked my friend to give me a nacho with a lot of cheese. I started chomping down on the nacho chip when a dab of cheese fell inside the bag of cheetos. I wasn’t sure exactly what my Cheetos would taste like, however after trying it I knew I had invented something that nobody had tried. I went back to store and had the lady cut the bag open and put a scoop of nacho cheese for an extra 25 cents. Little did I know that back then, it would start a trend that is still going strong till this day. I could of been a rich man by now, but I was only 8 years old at the time and never put much thought about it. Now a days you here all types of stuff put into a hot cheetos bag, such as corn and jalapeños to what some people call a “Marranada” and others put pickles.
Hot Cheetos with Cheese

Filed UnderFood
That’s crazy! I had no idea you invented it??